Halo Mushroom

Halo Mushrooms are an underground mushroom that grows in damp, dark creases where dirt and filth have built up. Their name is derived from the psychodelic halo pattern that imbibing them provokes. While they are not magical themselves, they can be used by spellcasters as material components for spells, and can enhance the duration and DC of any magical pattern effects. Imbibing them foolishly can also result in Wisdom damage.   Upon discovery and investigation of these mushrooms in the Understacks on Givesday, Tailormoon, 1313, Lindie Asklepa was able to avoid the mushroom's poison, but still concluded that they taste like sewage water and are "not good for licking".
Halo Mushrooms
Elemental Origin
Chthonic (Plane of Earth)
Genetic Ancestor(s)