Headband of Social Competence

This simple, elegant headband contains a Genie who mentally warns the wearer before she commits a social misstep, which includes any action that would increase the DCs of Diplomacy checks to alter the attitudes of those around her or worsen the attitude of a person that the wearer considers very important. This effect functions similarly to that of a phylactery of faithfulness, except no contemplation is required; the headband simply alerts the wearer of the consequences before she can perform the action.   In the Noble Court, the headband is sometimes gifted to noble children, to help them manage their reputation by tracking the attitudes of other noble families and their own family towards them. However, this constant monitoring can be mentally taxing for the child, who may only become aware of their parent's dissatisfaction through the headband's warning rather than any outward sign of displeasure from the parents.
Faint Divination
Caster Level
CL 1
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Current Holder
0 lbs.
Base Price
1,000 gp
Legal to Own.