Monastic Order of the Garden

The Monastic Order of the Garden was once a flourishing religious monastery that existed long before the arrival of the Honourable Company. Originally a tall tower, by the time of the Company's appearance, the monastery had sunk below the ground. When the Honourable Company first arrived, they inundated the city with drugs intended to subdue and control the populace of Palimpsest. The Order of the Garden became a victim of the Company's narcotic empire, eventually disbanding due to the negative effects of the Dream Tea, which the Company had manipulated the monks into becoming dependent on.   The Honourable Company tricked the monks into incorporating Dream Tea into their religious ceremonies, replacing their traditional vision tea. The Company assured the monks that the Dream Tea was completely safe and would enhance their oracular and monk abilities. However, the Tea turned out to be incredibly addictive and easy to overdose on, resulting in a significant number of deaths. Moreover, while the Tea did grant visions, it also suppressed the monks' Ki, rendering them unable to access their abilities. Eventually, the monastery collapsed due to the high death toll and the crippling effects on the survivors.   Today, only a few homeless drug addicts remain scattered throughout the city as the last remnants of the once-thriving Order.

Before the Honourable Company arrived - Around the time of the human takeover at court.

Religious, Monastic Order