See Beyond

See Beyond
Divination [meditative]
SR: No
V, M (soothing incense worth 300 gp)
1 hour, 24 hours or until discharged, personal
You attune your mind and your sight to the hidden world of spirits.
You gain a +5 circumstance bonus on Perception checks; this circumstance bonus increases to a +10 circumstance bonus on Perception checks to find invisible creatures or objects, incorporeal creatures or objects, or things that exist only on the Ethereal Plane. Additionally, at any time during the spell’s duration, you can push your ethereal vision even further as a swift action. When you do, you can see through solid objects (as if using a ring of x-ray vision) for 5 rounds. After this time, the spell ends.

Target: you
Arcanist [3], Cleric [3], Oracle [3], Shaman [3], Sorcerer [3], Warpriest [3], Witch [3], Wizard [3].

Material Components
Soothing incense worth 300 gp.
Related School
Divination [meditative]
Effect Duration
24 hours or until discharged
Effect Casting Time
1 hour
Related Items
All-Seeing Eye
Legal to know and use.