Thornhill's Pearls (Star Chart)
Historical Details
Katib Thornhill Underhand, as the "spare" of the Underhand Family, was often sent on the more dangerous espionage assignments for the family. The black pearl is the favoured jewel of the Underhand Family.
Eclipseday, Beggar/Thiefmoon, 1312
Katib Thornhill Underhand is seen by Lindie, the Vishkanya Concubine of Hugo Dargent, while she creeps through the vents of the Dargent Estate. He and his mother, Viziera Crepuscule Underhand seem to be having some kind of teaparty with Viziera Guinevera Dargent and her daughter, Katiba Scarlett Dargent.Mapday, Thiefmoon, 1312
Rumour around court is that Thornhill Underhand has not been seen for several days, and is probably out on an opperation.Punishment: Probably banishment.