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Originally from the Renscroprec river valley, these people can be found in nearly every corner of the continent now. Most heavily on the western half of Esborea. They have a long history of military power backed by economic strength, and primarily worship the Gods of strength and the dawn. Common saying amongst these people, “can’t hold on to power by the strength of arms alone.”

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Prefix: as, eque, ismes, geblo, drisin, dru, duted, sid, sinu, oje, sontri, mari, erde, zul, lecsos, egro, ban, urcha, rechos, cica, femun, yafemun, esca, oscer, enol, chogolotro, songlu, rangro, grer, med, pad, nesme, sabri, pus, bo, yapras   Root: ram, dof, ser, nad, ban, rim, ett, ane, gui, evi, ina, ris, sam, esi, uri, nec   Suffix: na, lli, di, ma, im, er, fi, ol, re, ja, ed   Connective: a, e, i, o, u, ll   Examples: Ser, Ane, Evi, Sonegluban, Enolaram, Sidaris, Padettina, Urisol, Sabrina, Yaprasina, Pusanedi, Erdaban

Masculine names

Prefix: as, eque, ismes, geblo, drisin, dru, duted, sid, sinu, oje, sontri, mari, erde, zul, lecsos, egro, ban, urcha, rechos, cica, femun, yafemun, esca, oscer, enol, chogolotro, songlu, rangro, grer   Root: mar, dof, cer, ran, pac, rim, ett, ane, gui, evi, xav, ric, sam   Suffix: al, ce, de, ed, ec, er, ig, or, re, ro, le   Connective: a, e, i, o, u, ll   Examples: Mar, Ran, Sam, Gebloric, Zuldof, Bancer, Ranedal, Pacede, Anellor, Xavire, Guillal, Rechosamal, Equericede, Chogoletta

Family names

Prefix: sol, ven, for, ran, ban, adi, etta, fig, ser, pac, cer, ane   Root: ram, ser, nad, ban, ina, ris, esi, uri, nec, mar, dof, cer, ran, pac, rim, ett, ane, gui, evi, xav, ric, sam, tie   Suffix: mo, lu, na, te, ri, bun, dof, ner, gro, rim, des   Connective: a, e, i, o, u   Examples: Solamo, Venelu, Forina, Ranote, Banuri, Adibun, Ettadof, Figaner, Seregro, Pacorim, Cerredes, Ettasedes, Anetierdes, Solnad, Venuri, Foresi, Nadete, Marener, Pacegro


Major language groups and dialects

Speak Arresi, also called the common tongue.

Common Etiquette rules

Greet with a hand shake and a verbal salutation. In formal settings the verbal salutation is "position," "title," "family name," "given name," from "town of origin." Conversationally etiquette depends on the social rank of those speaking. When addressing someone of equal rank the title and family name is sufficient, when speaking to a superior position, title, and family name is expected. For those below their title and given name, or merely their given name is good enough.   Eat with a spoon.   When something shocking happens they say, “Amalius’ blades.”

Common Dress code

These people are of medium height and complexion, commonly with brown eyes and hair. Blonde hair is seldom seen but not rare. They have naturally wavy or curly hair. Men keep their hair less than shoulder length, usually closer cut on the sides and untied, with little facial hair. If they use it they have close cropped beard and mustaches, and a bald head. The more hair atop the head the less on the face, and vice versa. Women keep hair shoulder to waist length. Common fashion is a pony tail or pig tails, or up in a bun with a brooch.   Clothing ranges depending on the weather. Tunics, doublets, robes, and gowns are common. Worn with hose and a variety of shoes. They are all diversely colored. The brighter the color the wealthier the wearer. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink, and gray are the most popular colors. Black is expensive and white is hard to clean, usually worn by clergy. Brown is viewed as a common color reserved for those who can't afford better. Purple is so rare it is reserved for the highest of nobles and royalty. Linen and wool are the most common fabrics, while the wealthier use cotton and silks. Leather can also be used in a variety of ways.

Art & Architecture

Popular art comes in many forms. Common physical art found in cities are wall/ ceiling murals, stained glass and mosaics, statues, and monuments. In colder areas they hang tapestries from the walls instead. All are brightly colored and vibrant. topics of the scenes portrayed range from religious, political, military, to a rising romantic trend. Singers and musicians perform songs and recite poems, accompanied by stringed, percussion, brass, and woodwind instruments. Traveling troubadours and jongleurs can be found across the land. Games range from board to dice and cards. Sports include archery, wrestling, hammer throw, horse shoes, and game ball. The wealthy prefer dueling, jousting, and horse racing.   Cities are built on a grid with streets running north to south and avenues running east to west. Extra walkways added after the grid are roads and drives for north/ south, and place and lane for east/ west. Regardless of direction an extra wide path is a boulevard. Those that don't conform to the grid are crescent, court, and terrace. These paths are commonly numbered, named after a monument or landmark along it, or a person of importance to it. Sometimes even a trade or craft that's common in the area. Common houses are cottages on the farms or row houses in cities. Cottages are small stone or mud houses with pounded earth floors, and a thatch roof. With a loft attic for storage. Center fed on the long side opens to a single room with chickens, cow, sheep, and hay stacks on one side and table, chest, closet, and family bed on the other. Hearth fire is along that far wall. Row houses are typically two stories of stone and mud walls with pounded earth floor on the ground floor, wooden walls and floors on the second, and a mud with clay roof. The first floor can either have a shop or be housing for animals. While the second floor is divided in two with a hearth fire in the center. One side has beds and a closet, and the other has the pantry and kitchen. Third floors, when present, tend to have a chimney to let heat and smoke escape and a large attic for storage.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Worship on Saturday near midnight, to end week. Clergy walk the streets spreading the word daily as sunset approaches. Prayers and blessings are said when waking, upon returning home, and before bed. They give thanks for the time they have received.   Men can marry as many women as they can financially support and physically protect. The first marriage is arranged by the parents of the betrothed. Usually to secure their economic future. If a married man dies his brother is expected to marry and support the widow.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

After their first moon a child is baptized in water and given a name. This is called their name day. The parents bring the child to the church, and in the presence of godparents, the ceremony is performed and blessings made.

Coming of Age Rites

When a child becomes an adult their is a communal celebration for all those reaching that age. For boys, in their 13th year on the long night, they must perform a group song and dance then take turns reciting religious works from memory. They then proclaim their new adult names to the community and are given gifts. From this night on they are responsible for the defense of the community. For girls, in their 15th year on the new dawn, they dress in ornate garb and perform a group song followed by individual dances. They lead the community in a prayer and everyone partakes in a feast prepared by the girls. At this point they are allowed to be courted for marriage.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Heaven is for those who die in combat. All others go to the vast unknown to rejoin the source and lose all sense of self. Bodies of warriors and kings are entombed to have somewhere for the spirit to return for the final battle of the end times. All others are buried in the earth to return to it. The bodies are cleansed in water and air before burial, and an animal is sacrificed to be buried alongside as a toll for the Gods.

Common Taboos

Spilling salt or pepper is bad luck.

Common Myths and Legends

There are household spirits called Flujsa that help with chores and pull pranks. Mischievous natured ones can become malevolent if offended. Can be banished by giving them a gift of clothing, religious paraphernalia, and occasionally moving residences. Some of them will simply follow to your new home. They require offerings of either food (milk and honey) or a days wages for a laborer per full moon. Browncaps are standard house spirits that can shape shift and become invisible, Bluecaps live in mines and caves, Greencaps live in forests, and Redcaps live in old ruins. Redcaps are the most malevolent and are known to throw rocks at those who enter their caves and crush them. They soak their hats in the blood of their victims and carry a long pike.


Beauty Ideals

Both genders look to the others ankles and calves, neck, and chest. Men are meant to be big and strong while women are meant to be delicate and supple. The perfect man would be tall with wide shoulders, thick neck, and strong calves. Scars on the arms would be a plus, but not the face. The perfect woman would be shorter with large chest and small waist, slender calves, and delicate ankles.

Gender Ideals

Men are meant to be masculine and be supporters for their families. They should be able to do basic repairs in the home, track and hunt, fish, farm, and fight but also be nurturing to their loved ones.   Women are meant to be caregivers and should know how to cook, clean, collect herbs, tend babies and animals.

Courtship Ideals

Boys are expected to pursue the girls. When a girl catches a boys eye he may inquire with her if she is going to any social engagements and speak to her there, in public. He may bring a small gift such as a flower or a perfumed handkerchief. If she accepts the gift she has given permission to court her. While courting he may recite poetry or perform musical instruments, he would defend her honor in a duel against any offense, he should provide her with meals when together. When the time comes he should ask her parents permission to wed.

Relationship Ideals

An ideal relationship is when the husband provides for and defends his wife and children, and the wife nurtures and cares for the husband and children. Husband provides the food and the wife prepares it. They defend each others honor when necessary and are loyal to each other above all else. A man can have as many wives as he can support.

Preferred Drinks

  Most commonly consumed alcohol is beer fermented from wheat or barley. Either a summer ale or winter lager can be made in pale, amber, or dark varieties. For something a little stronger and flavorful apple cider is available, as well as wine from both red and green grapes. Stronger drinks can be distilled from wheat, barley, or grapes.   For lighter drinking a variety of tea is available. Black and red are most common, followed by green, and lastly white.


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