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Lardel (ˈlaɾdel)

Great Queen of the Forest Lardel (a.k.a. Thickwood Badger)

Born from a groundhog, sometimes called a woodchuck, this Beast rodent is a type of large ground squirrel. She is a lowland creature of western Renscroprec and plays an important role in maintaining healthy soil in woodlands and plains as a crucial habitat engineer. The groundhog is by far the largest squirrel in the area, and she is the largest groundhog. Spending most of her time in the area where the Cesadi tributary river joins with the Arresadi.   The Druid Circle of the Hagdura worships her as a divine being. A natural familiar of the forest in which she resides and Totem of its sovereignty. They deliver her gifts of food and protect her from predators and the incursion of man.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In the wild, groundhogs can live up to six years with two or three being average. As pets, groundhogs have lived up to 14 years. This one has supposedly been living in the area for over 30 years.

Body Features

Well suited for digging, with short powerful legs and long broad claws. Her tails are shorter than other rodents, only about one-quarter of her body length. As a superior beast, she has seven tails.

Facial Features

Groundhogs have four incisor teeth. Unlike those of many other rodents, hers are amber colored. To match her claws.

Special abilities

She is stronger and more durable than the average groundhog, with an armor like hide. Her senses are fourfold stronger than average. And she has a dash ability to travel long distances in a single step.    Her fur allows her to be near completely camouflaged when still. Can bring a sense of calm to any who make eye contact, to the point of falling asleep. Or bring a sense of dread to those same people. With a squeak like roar she can extend those same abilities in an aura around her.    When backed into a corner she has an astral bite that can attack the very essence of those attempting to prey upon her.

Personality Characteristics


She prefers open country and the edges of woodland, and is rarely far from a burrow entrance. Can normally be found in small woodlots, low-elevation forests, fields, and pastures. Her den is constructed in well-drained soil, and has both summer and winter dens. Human activity has increased food access and abundance, allowing her to thrive.
Created with AI
Current Location
42 years
Violet irises around a black pupil
Greenish mane like tufts on the cheeks and chin
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brownish gray fur
2 ft. at the shoulder. 4 ft. long
130 lbs.


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