A Party of Royal Proportions

General Summary

It was finally time for the coronation of Draconia's new rulers. The city was buzzing with excitemen and anticipation, with an undercurrent of suspicion as its scaled residents were unsure how to feel about a fey ruling over them. A few protests broke out, but for the most part they were religated to the city streets. And those that weren't were quickly quashed, along with a kidnapping plot to have Prim 're-educated' as a kobold. Instead Covak turned the plot onto a wyrmling who had attempted to contest the coronation neutralizing both the problems at once.

Rewards Granted

60 pp, 500 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp
[300 gp] marble idol
[100 gp] silver cup with royal crest
[65 gp] silver statue of a dragon
[80 gp] crystal skull
[40 gp] ivory bowl with animal carvings
[65 gp] silver statue of a dragon
[100 gp] gold holy symbol
[100 gp] masterwork lyre
[120 gp] silver cauldron with animal symbols
[750 gp] painting of a queen
[550 gp] aquamarine
[550 gp] unworked aquamarine (worth 275 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 20 to repair)
[900 gp] unworked small ruby (worth 450 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 25 to repair)
[1,100 gp] small ruby
[1,100 gp] unworked small diamond (worth 550 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 25 to repair)
[400 gp] unworked black pearl (worth 200 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 20 to repair)
[500 gp] topaz
[1,100 gp] unworked emerald (worth 550 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 25 to repair)
[1,300 gp] unworked sapphire (worth 650 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 25 to repair)
[1,100 gp] emerald

Covak (16): 840 XP = 120 (The Unwashed Masses) + 240 (A Challenge) + 480 (A Slapstick Most Foul)
Nightfall (14): 1,670 XP = 210 + 420 + 840
Meako, Prim (13): 1,980 XP = 260 + 520 + 1,170
Necthan (12): 2,520 XP = 360 + 720 + 1,440
Report Date
26 May 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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