A Strange Order Report in Pandora | World Anvil

A Strange Order

General Summary

Marco and Roger gathered a group together to go protect a caravan as they journeyed into the Sandswept Desert. The party consisted of Ava and Nahshon, along with Marco and Roger. Despite the job starting in Trader's Cusp, they gathered in Fjordhaven. As they traveled through the mountain pass near Stag's Redoubt, an earthquake rocked the land around them. This caused the cliffs to either side of them to collapse, burying all but Ava under a mass of earth and stone! Luckily for Nahshon and Marco, they were inside Roger's magical cart, which protected them from the crushing weight of the stone. They began to work furiously to dig out the back of the cart, slowly filling the inside of the cart with debris. Meanwhile, Ava worked as quickly as she could to dig Roger out of the scree from his location at the driver's seat. It took a bit of time, but eventually they managed to dig themselves out of the mess, though freeing the cart took them the rest of the day. Clearly, they could not proceed through the pass.
The following day, they returned to Fjordhaven and took the portal to Silver City, then took the portal from Draconia to Trader's Cusp. Despite the setback, they actually managed to arrive on time for their job. (Behold, the magic of portals!) Upon arriving in Trader's Cusp, they were assaulted by the cacophany of an unknown number of merchants vying for their attention and coin. Resisting the urge to shop, they made their way to the inn, where they once again were surrounded by the noise of commerce. However, seizing upon the opportunity to earn a bit of coin, they convinced Nahshon to try to sell the pile of stone and earth they had left inside the cart. Espousing the quality of Fjordhaven stone for the building of foundations, he managed to sell the one ton of stone in the cart for 50gp.
The following day they met with the Trader's Trail Transport company and signed a contract to safely escort the caravaneers to the intended location and back, making sure the goods arrived safely. With a few last minute purchases, they left with the small caravan, to descend into the Sandswept Desert. Their first night they camped by the crossroads north of Kishdanhar and had a quiet night. The following day, a sandstorm swept across them, and they decided to hunker down and weather it. While they were doing so, under the protection of Roger's magical cart, a shoal of sandmen crept into the shelter and attacked them. It was a lengthy battle, where various party members fell victim to the magical sleep of the nefarious sand elementals, but they eventually came out victorious.
The next day, they finally arrived at their destination: a barren patch of desert where a man wrapped in cloth from head to toe waited, sitting on a rock. He introduced himself as Ardent Kenn, and thanked them for arriving more or less on time. A trio of massive crocodiles seemingly appeared from nowhere, which Ardent Kenn began to hook up to the three carts he had ordered. As he did so, Nahshon decided to be a nosy paladin and take a look to see if this new acquaintance was someone he should be crusading against. Getting an overwhelming sense of evil from the figure, he did what any good paladin would do, and decided to smite that source of evil. Unfortunately for Nahshon, he didn't pay attention to the 'overhwhelming' part of that detection, and suffered ignoble death. Ardent Kenn sized up the others and commented on the stupidity of paladins, graciously allowing the others to leave with their lives. They agreed.
They managed to return safely to Trader's Cusp, where they parted ways.

Rewards Granted

3,809 gp
7 sp
7 cp
50gp for selling rocks

Ava, Marco, Roger (7): 1,838 xp = 1,050 (LANDSLIDE!!!!) + 788 (Sleepy time in the sandstorm)
Nahshon (6): 2,250 xp: 1,350 + 900

Roger shifts to:
Show spoiler

Dungeon Master

Anathema (6): 2,700xp/1,300gp/5dt
Report Date
13 Apr 2024
Primary Location
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