Abkheset Exploration Edict BBB66 Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Abkheset Exploration Edict BBB66

General Summary

Kazumar, Adonis, Zephyr, Meako, Nightfall, and Khalid disguised as a man named Rayland all gathered together to assist Abkheset in exploring a hex. Their adventure didn't last very long though. In fact everything came to a grinding halt as the party watched a cart full of slaves being driven into city limits. Rayland convinced Meako to disturb his own elephant to create a distraction since it was clear Zephyr and Nightfall were about to do something stupid.

After a fierce battle with an enraged elephant and Nightfall assisting in getting the slaves to safety, the party was approached by a city guard demanding an explanation. Reyland ensured the guard that the culprit was Meako and that he'd have the goblin returned to Abkheset to face justice.

Returning to Traders Cusp, Reyland, Nightfall, Kazumar, and Adonis created and captured a simulacrum of Meako. Instilling a false memory of guilt into the creature before carting him off to Abkheset to be charged with crimes he had no part in.

Rewards Granted


Nightfall [10]: 500XP = 167 (A Rampage) + 333 (A 'Prisoner' found)
Meako [9]: 675XP = 225 + 450
Khalid [8]: 867XP = 267 + 600
Adonis, Zephyr [7]: 1050XP = 350 + 700
Kazumar [6]: 1350XP = 450 + 900
Report Date
11 May 2022
Primary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Master

Belron [15]