Brightstone Keep

General Summary

Kalvin, Salmon, Marco and Marrajo made plans to go help out the people of Snowfall. Unfortunately, they did not make plans for how they were going to meet up or how they were going to get there. Much planning and footwork happened in two separate cities before the group stumbled across each other and were able to finalize their plans. In the end, they decided to go around the mountains to the west and across the tundra to Snowfall.
On their way, they were attacked by a sky bandit on a fiendish griffon. The fight was of moderate difficulty, but the party managed to succeed. Later that day they spent the night in a now abandoned Emancipation, camping out in the town barracks. they then struck out into the untamed wilderness, rounding the Breathless Peaks and into the permafrost. After a couple of days of dealing with snowblindness, the party was attacked by a remorhaz, a terrifying beast of the coldest regions of the material plane. Using it's cunningness and ability to burrow to its advantage, it attacked the party from behind, grabbing a hold of Salmon it its mighty jaws. The party watched in horror as it then swallowed Salmon whole.
Deciding that discretion is the better part of valour, the party ran a fighting withdrawal, with Marco losing his dog Veela to the beast as well, before they were able to escape. Disheartened and fearing for their lives, they reduced party arrived in Snowfall only to sell off a horse to fascilitate crossing the mountains themselves to return where they came from, leaving the people of Snowfall to their fates.

Rewards Granted

[2,325gp] +1 Spiked Chain
[1,250gp] +1 Chain Shirt
[200gp] Composite Longbow (+1 Str Rating)
[60gp] Exotic Military Saddle (designed for a griffon)

Marco (7): 788xp = 263 (Where are we going?) + 525 (It's a bird! it's a lion! Oh, wait, it's just a griffon with a jerk wielding a chain on top)
Marrajo (6): 300 + 675
Salmon (5): 375 + 813
Kalvin (4): 400 + 900

Everyone played well to their alignments. No alignment changes.
Report Date
20 Apr 2024
Secondary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Master

Anathema (6): 2,700xp/1,300gp/5dt