Build This Boat

General Summary

Lucky Summoned his friends Zephyr Sieglyn, and Adonis to help him find a crew and a boat to set out on the high seas in search of adventure!

    While they were meeting in Xiomara to discuss plans to go find materials, the group overheard a conversation between brother orcs Jork & bork discussing a contract they had to hunt down a group of Kobold sailors and their ship. Siezing the oppurtunity, the group decided to take that contract off the brothers hands. They were reluctant at first, but through a little martial persuasion the brothers agreed to give them the contract and go on their way.

As the group journied to the beach where the contract stated that the kobolds had been shipwrecked, they were acosted by both fire drakes, and a group of giant ants. Both were enjoyed as meals by Adonis after being roundly defeated.

The group arrives at the beach initially finding it to be still, but were soon struck by a fuisillade of small stones. The Kobolds were trying to protect their hide out. Fortunately for the group they were not very effective at their tasks.

Before much negotation between Lucky and the kobolds could get very far, a zombie bear fell upon the party. After a few near deaths, no small amount of cunning, the group slew the beast. For saving them the kobolds agreed to crew Lucky's ship, and give him their shiprecked ship to repair and make sea worthy.

Rewards Granted


136 pp, 1146 gp, 2375 sp, 4170 cp

  [300 gp] masterwork chainmail
[750 gp] masterwork half-plate     Potions
  [25 gp] potion/oil of purify food and drink (CL 1)
[25 gp] potion/oil of purify food and drink (CL 1)
[50 gp] potion/oil of cure light wounds (CL 1)
[300 gp] potion/oil of invisibility (CL 3)
[300 gp] potion/oil of cure moderate wounds (CL 3)
[50 gp] potion/oil of shield of faith (CL 1)
[50 gp] potion/oil of endure elements (CL 1)

  [1,100 gp] unworked small ruby (worth 550 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 25 to repair)
[55 gp] ivory
[55 gp] rose quartz
[110 gp] jade
[90 gp] jade
[70 gp] unworked chrysoberyl (worth 35 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 15 to repair)
[9 gp] azurite
[9 gp] unworked agate (worth 4 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)
[11 gp] unworked rhodochrosite (worth 5 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)
[60 gp] ivory
[50 gp] rose quartz
[9 gp] unworked hematite (worth 4 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)
[65 gp] unworked chrysoprase (worth 32 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 12 to repair)
[9 gp] agate
[9 gp] unworked alabaster (worth 4 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)
[9 gp] pyrite
[50 gp] unworked carnelian (worth 25 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 12 to repair)
  [350 gp] masterwork heavy crossbow
[350 gp] masterwork greatsword

  [150 gp] divine scroll of animal messenger (CL 3)
[150 gp] divine scroll of cat's grace (CL 3)
[375 gp] arcane scroll of blink (CL 5)
[150 gp] divine scroll of inflict moderate wounds (CL 3)
[13 gp] arcane scroll of prestidigitation (CL 1)
[25 gp] arcane scroll of grease (CL 1)
[25 gp] divine scroll of remove fear (CL 1)
[25 gp] arcane scroll of comprehend languages (CL 1)
[25 gp] arcane scroll of magic weapon (CL 1)
[25 gp] arcane scroll of shocking grasp (CL 1)
[150 gp] divine scroll of silence (CL 3)
[150 gp] arcane scroll of bull's strength (CL 3)
[150 gp] arcane scroll of bull's strength (CL 3)
[25 gp] divine scroll of forbid action (CL 1)

[375 gp] wand of prestidigitation (CL 1)
[750 gp] wand of burning hands (CL 1)

  1000 gp worth of ship building material   Experience:
Zephyr, Adonis[6] 300 xp (The Brothers Orc) + 225 xp (ANTbush) + 675 xp (Dead Bear) + 450 xp (Spicy birds) = 1650 xp
Lucky 375 xp + 250 xp + 750 xp + 500 xp = 1875 xp [5]
Sieglyn 450 xp + 300 xp + 900 xp + 675 xp = 2325 xp [3]

DM: Bombo
5400 xp, 5 DT, 6500 gp (Applied to Bombo)
Report Date
30 Apr 2022
Primary Location