Correcting the Corruption Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Correcting the Corruption

General Summary

Concerned adventurers returned the the Black Forest after their triumph over the portal that had allowed evil creatures to filter into the forest for years. Now hoping to see the forest returned to what it once was, the adventurers began the slow but necessary task of working to root out all the evil that had spread there. With little plan past that, the party teleported to the site of the destroyed portal and worked outwards from there. A loud ringing noise echoed through the forest, a strange call that was deafeningly loud that seemed to be drawing the hordes of undead out to follow them.   While attempting to locate the source of the sound the party happened upon a strange creature. A collection of souls that had manifested into physical form writhing in pain as it struggled to resist the call of the bell. The party worked to put it out of its misery, but with its last breath it managed to take control of Meako's mind, instructing him to kill Covak. Meako ran further into the forest to heal and prepare, while the sounds of the bell grew louder. While the party worked to lick their own wounds, a trio of ghouls bearing tabbards of the the Sovereignty leading a cart with a massive ringing bell broke through the treeline arriving at the party, after some tense words the party allowed them to leave with both their bell and the body of the creature they'd killed. While they were negotiating Meako reappeared. An arrow striking true piercing Covak's armor but not slaying him before Meako was felled. Dragging the unconcious halfling along with them they returned to the sit of the portal, cleansing the surrounding area of any corruption and reinvigorating the forest there before returning home and returning Meako to his senses.

Rewards Granted

44 pp, 452 gp, 435 sp, 2,414 cp
[1,160 gp] +1 leather armor
[300 gp] masterwork chainmail
[170 gp] masterwork heavy steel shield
[1,175 gp] +1 studded leather armor
[750 gp] potion of tongues (CL 5)x2
[50 gp] potion of magic fang (CL 1)
[50 gp] potion/oil of endure elements (CL 1)x2
[700 gp] arcane scroll of dimensional anchor (CL 7)
[150 gp] arcane scroll of shatter (CL 3)
[13 gp] divine scroll of bleed (CL 1)
[25 gp] divine scroll of bane (CL 1)
[13 gp] arcane scroll of prestidigitation (CL 1)
[25 gp] divine scroll of divine favor (CL 1)
[25 gp] arcane scroll of shocking grasp (CL 1)
[25 gp] arcane scroll of chill touch (CL 1)
[13 gp] arcane scroll of prestidigitation (CL 1)
[750 gp] wand of burning hands (CL 1)
[750 gp] wand of cure light wounds (CL 1)
[750 gp] wand of detect chaos (CL 1)
[2,302 gp] +1 dagger
[2,302 gp] +1 spear
[320 gp] masterwork rapier
Covak (12): 1,125XP = 750 (Slaying the Resistant) + 375 (A Glade of Cleansing)
Bullgup (13): 1,950XP = 1,300 + 650
Meako, Prim (12): 2,700XP = 1,800 + 900
Report Date
18 Jul 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Master

Rhal (ECl 6): 2,700xp/1,300gp/5dt