Crater Curiosity

General Summary

The Daily Explorer

A publication of the Pandoran Society of Archeology
14 Eleint 1378
Volume 1 Issue 1
  Brivark Fogdreamer
Lead Archeologist
  For the past two years, rumors have pervaded of a massive cover-up perpetuated by the leaders of the Arbour empire. The formian presence in the Verdant Expanse, which was increasing alarmingly, seemed to disappear overnight. "There were giant talking bugs eating my vegetables! I complained about it to the council, and within days, no more bugs," said Ele Homma, farmer. Other personal accounts from Arbour citizens seem to indicate a similar experience. "There used to be this one that would come to my shop every day. I had to explain to it that you can't just take what you want; you have to purchase it! They don't seem to have a concept of trade. Personally, I'm glad that they're gone," said Gifferd Nestol. When asked where the formians had settled, no one has been able to remember having seen any formians taking up residence within any settlement in the Arbour empire.   Formians, also known as "Ant-Centaurs" are an ant-like race of outsiders. Despite being a neutral race in terms of morality, they are considered invasive due to their strict territorial laws. Their colonies, also called "hive-cities," consist of a ruling queen who is able to communicate telepathically with her hive and her citizens, who exist within a hierarchal class system. A formian hive-city is largely underground with an anthill-like entrance aboveground. Formians consider any land above their cities to belong to them and will farm it for resources.   The last recorded sighting of formians within the cities of Arbour is dated 5 Alturiak 1376.   Public records, housed at The Sophisticate in Xiomara, confirm that around the time of the reported disappearance of the formians, a 12-mile crater was discovered a half-day ride east of Fioritura. When interviewing local citizens, this author could not locate anyone with direct knowledge of the cause of this crater. However, one Arbour Citizen, Netti Dustar, housewife, had this account to share. "One day, I's just mindin' my business inside, when King Raffyr and two others, stopped to argue over my fence. They stood around for...I mean it felt like they were there all day, but I guess, iffin I had to say for sure, maybe 3 hours? The one in the fancy clothes kept opening the gate and temptin' to shoo my sheep out! But King Raffyr, bless him, he kept closin' the gate again. He's always a protector of the people, you know. Anyways, after they argued, all three of 'em headed out of town toward the planes out east. Can't say what they were doing. But my sheep were safe."   Questions have arisen over the last two years with no reliable answers. Does the disappearance of the formians correlate to the appearance of the crater? Is the crater located in the former spot of the formian hive? Does the appearance of the crater indicate their destruction? Who is responsible for the crater, or was it simply due to natural causes? What legitimate reasons would an invasive, territorial race like the formians have for suddenly vanishing? It is within this void of truth that rumors have begun, accusing the Arbour empire of genocide. No citizen has been bold enough to publicize their concern, but this author has overheard one too many hushed conversations in the taverns.   In an attempt to quell these rumors, lest a conspiracy take root, an investigative archeological dig has begun at the site of the crater. Sponsored by the Pandoran Society for Archeology, the first legitimate archeological organization in Pandora, the goal is to uncover the details surrounding the crater's origin. The dig is off to a keen start, with local adventurers providing their aid. Most recently, King Bombo and Queen Javida of the FJordhaven empire traveled to the dig site and offered their assistance. They were accompanied by Cpt. Savin Senriel, also of Fjordhaven, and an unamed youth. Readers are reassured that Queen Javida returned home in peak health.   The following are confirmed discoveries of the crater dig:
  • Destroyed temple to Lolth
  • Drow corpses indicative of a thriving city
  • Formian corpses of low-class, all manacled at the feet
  • Healthy growth of four types of previously undiscovered species of fungi
  Several clerics have confirmed that the fungi growth seems explicitly fueled by the worship of Lolth, goddess of the drow.   With too many unanswered questions, the Pandoran Society of Archeology is committed to their continued efforts to uncover the truth. Any adventurer who wishes to assist in the efforts may apply at the society's market location in Xiomara.  
Uncovering where we have been to see where we are going.

Rewards Granted

2,434 gp
[300 gp] potion/oil of disguise other (CL 3)
[750 gp] potion/oil of keen edge (CL 5)
[300 gp] potion/oil of make whole (CL 3)
[7,275 gp] divine scroll of restoration, greater (CL 13)
[3,950 gp] +1 glamered chain shirt

6 specimen of "grape like" unknown purple mushrooms   Experience:
Savin, Bombo (ECL 14): 1206 XP = 25 (Escaping the Guards) + 1050 (Husk Widowmakers) + 131 (Quelling a Conspiracy)
Sharhorn(ECL 12): 2125 XP = 25 + 1800 + 225
Javida(ECL 10): 3775 XP = 25 +3375 + 375
Report Date
13 Sep 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Master

Evette (ECL 6): 2,700xp/1,300gp/5dt