Fjordhave Arena: beginners arena fight

General Summary

our party meet at the fjordhaven arena, having not meet before cedric used his perform to tell of the great deeds this party would achieve to grap the attention of the two other Kalvin and Sabrom, after deciding on a team name Grud's hellraisers, trough the dwarf the signed up with only noted down hellraisers. they participated in 3 fights. the first aginst a sentient animated lifesize stone doll, that they beat up until it conceded but as it was turning around leaving after it had conceded ava struck it and destoryed it effectively killing it, this made the entire arena boh at her unsportmens like behavior, and some draws are looking into weather this would count as high murderer. and she is likely to be called in for a trail.
but as they were currently unsure and more fights were still scheduled she was allowed to contuine participating, but she should she show such unsportsmen like behavior again she be escourted out of the arena immerdiatly.
the next fight was a round of capture flag agisnt 3 brothers, one tough, one quick and one with a gun. cedric and sabrom defended the flag, ava and kalvin went on the offensive and they won bu knocking all enemies uncouncise.
the last fight was agisnt Zabu the trapmaster, who had totally legally payed for some prep time to put up his traps in the arena, and used a illusion to appear very big and meancing, trough ava was more so, most of the traps was spotted but the aprty did step in a few of his makeshift bear traps, but thier were hadly dangerous, as soon as they managed to hit zabu he keeled over uncouncise, and the hellraisers had once again won.

Rewards Granted

30 pp, 15 gp, 70 sp, 0 cp
[300 gp] potion/oil of bull's strength (CL 3)
[25 gp] potion/oil of virtue (CL 1)
[25 gp] potion/oil of virtue (CL 1)
[50 gp] potion/oil of endure elements (CL 1)
[25 gp] divine scroll of cure light wounds (CL 1)
[300 gp] masterwork quarterstaff
[330 gp] masterwork shortbow

Cedric (3): 351xp: 225xp(stone doll)+88xp(capture the flag)+38xp(Debu, the trapmaster!)
kalvin, Ava, Amaureth : 351xp: 225xp+88xp+38xp
Report Date
26 May 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Master

Nightfall (13): 5850xp/7500gp/ 5dt