Helping the People

General Summary

The good-hearted Javida roped her husband and their friends into helping the people. A woman named Dorah Strongdigger begged for their help rescuing her husband Thakron Strongdigger from a collapsed mine. After taking a few hours navigating the bureaucracy of the Fjordhaven Mining Company, they eventually convinced a gnome scribe named Bitty to aid them, who rushed through some paperwork and got them a meeting with the president, Lord Orem. Through Fosco's intimidation and a new job offer for Bitty (1 sp/week), the group got the name of the mine shaft, 24-A, and after signing confidentiality waivers, they were granted entrance.   Warned about the berzerking clay golem inside, the party struck with adamantine hammers and felled it swiftly, only to be attacked from a ceiling-dwelling black pudding, poisonous gas, shaky tunnels, and fiery Azers. Thakron Strongdigger, living off the company’s ale for weeks, was found behind a collapsed shaft, drunk, but alive. Quickly restored to health, he was returned to his waiting wife and children, who swore the new king would “have my vote!”

Rewards Granted

[3,102 gp, 2 sp, 5 cp] each (abandoned FMC gemstones)
Bombo [10]: 1,219 XP = 500 (weakened security system) + 250 (delicious pudding) + 94 (fire air) + 375 (unwelcome firebeards and their shoddy tunnel)
Fosco Fiddlebuck, Javida [7]: 2,713 XP each = 1,050 + 525 + 175 + 963
Farouk [6]: 3,375 XP = 1,350 + 675 + 225 + 1,125
Report Date
09 Jul 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Master

Nihilus [14]: 6,300xp/22,000gp/5dt