Meeting the Merfolk Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Meeting the Merfolk

General Summary

The quintet set out to find the merfolk that had put up a bounty against Meako and Kazumar. Quite the hefty 10 bthousand gold levied against each of these peoples. They ventured where the green eared one earned his bounty, a small set where sea folk gathered round to meet their intrusion. After having gained the ability to travel the depths they flipped under to the deep, they rest their eyes upon a shimmering spire like settlement built more up than out to accommodatre the natural verticality of fish people. The Merguard met the troop and our seafarers were able to convince the merguard to grant an audience with someone able to lift such heavy penalties.

  There they were met by Queen Uzui, a mermaid very large in stature with a singing voice that carried with the waves itself. She looked upon the land dwellers with a bit of contempt before softening and revealing to them the kidnapping of her husband by land raiders. Her husband was tricked by land dwellers, offering promise of a town closer to land, and more heavily reliant on trade with surface people. She advised the crew that should they return her husband, and by doing so redeem the name of land folk, the bounties for their petty theft would be lifted post haste. She gave the description of her husband Trident Uzui, a huge sized warrior of the deep, blue were his fins with lightning yellow streaked upon them, truly there was nothing he could not pierce.

  On the way home through the night in a fog, the party was assaulted by pirates. Being no strangers in the game they reacted with vengance from morning light. pushing through the fog of war with cannon fire tunneling into their lower decks, the red haired one dashed on ahead a deck. killing officers and grunts, the remaining crew caught up and cleared through the ship lower they finally were able to stop the cannon from firing, slowing the damage to their ship. one level deeper they found the captain, and berserkers, a tough fight as his handy net and pistol kept most enemies threatened by him, but slain he was.

Rewards Granted


[75 gp] falchion
[75 gp] falchion
[75 gp] falchion
[75 gp] falchion
[75 gp] falchion
[75 gp] falchion
[75 gp] falchion
[75 gp] falchion
[75 gp] falchion
[75 gp] falchion
[75 gp] falchion
[75 gp] falchion
[10 gp] leather armor
[10 gp] leather armor
[10 gp] leather armor
[10 gp] leather armor
[10 gp] leather armor
[10 gp] leather armor
[10 gp] leather armor
[10 gp] leather armor
[10 gp] leather armor
[10 gp] leather armor
[10 gp] leather armor
[10 gp] leather armor
[2 gp] Dagger
[2 gp] Dagger
[2 gp] Dagger
[2 gp] Dagger
[2 gp] Dagger
[2 gp] Dagger
[2 gp] Dagger
[2 gp] Dagger
[2 gp] Dagger
[2 gp] Dagger
[2 gp] Dagger
[2 gp] Dagger
[75] chain coat
[75] chain coat
[315 gp] mwk. cutlass
[315 gp] mwk. cutlass
[315 gp] mwk. cutlass
[315 gp] mwk. cutlass
[315 gp] mwk. cutlass
[2315 gp] +1 rapier (light indicates)
[20 gp] net
[20 gp] net
[20 gp] net
[20 gp] net
[2600 gp] +1 mithral shirt
[10 gp] leather
[10 gp] leather
[175 gp] mwk std leather
[175 gp] mwk std leather
[175 gp] mwk std leather
[4375] +1 cold iron falchion
[4375] +1 cold iron falchion
[10 gp] rope silk
[1 gp] grappling hook
[300 gp] paper cartridge x30
[2400 gp] +1 chain shirt
[3315 gp] +1 ctulass w/ effortless lace
[3300 gp] +1 pistol (light indicates)
[1125 gp] arcane fabricate scroll
[1125 gp] arcane fabricate scroll
[17500 gp] pirate brig sailing ship + cannon - ballista


Prim[9], Alastari[9], and Meako[9] - Negotiations were short - 1080 / Night Terrors - 360 / The Officers Oath - 270 / Two Levels Low - 360 / The Captain's Folley - 563 = 2633
Zephyr[8] - 1440 - 480 - 440 - 720 = 3080
Rufus[7] - 1680 - 420 - 520 - 560 - 945 = 4125
Report Date
08 May 2022
Primary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Master

GP 2125 xp 3600 DT 5