Party Time

General Summary

In the spirit of the holiday season Prim set up a get-together for her friends to swap jokes, merriment, and gifts. Along with a few pranks. More than a few unexpected guests arrived though disrupting the planned festivities. First the Sovereign himself arrived escorted by Runa. Tensions flared but soon settled as he proved to be an affable guest, at least for the moment. Next was a visit by a celestial eleadrin who was looking for Rico, but took a passing interest in Nihilus. The festivities were properly interrupted though by the next unexpected guest, as Duurk showed up and attempted to axe the guard at the door a question. As Rico moved to intervene, the celestial creature teleported the problem away. Last but most certainly not least, Medévah made his presence known with a few harmless pranks mimicing Nihilus' voice. Runa did not take a liking to this one bit, choosing to freeze the poor creature solid then leave with Nihilus before any more embarrassments could happen.

Rewards Granted

The friends we made along the way.

Nihilus, Rico (16): 55XP = 55 (Cloud of Good Tidings) + 0 (Medévah)
Runa (13): 62XP = 118 +44
Duurk (11): 275XP = 200+75
Dana, Nightfall, Prim (6): 900XP = 655 + 245
Adonis, Meako (5): 1,091XP = 818 + 273
Rufus (4): 1,164XP = 873 + 291
Gulop (1): 1,309XP = 982 + 327
Report Date
12 Dec 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Dungeon Master

Belron [14]