Shaken Yet Unstirred, Part 1

General Summary

Six brave souls applied for the Fjordhaven Mining Company's job ad and were immediately seen by President Orem when the king joined them, and they decided to forego meeting with Lord Durak, whose involvement was left to anyone's guess. The party begrudgingly signed Non-disclosure Agreements and liability waivers and Lord Orem began explaining the current problem: a delving team is attempting to unionize and are refusing to leave the mine until their demands are met. FMC's freshest employees agreed to investigate the matter.   Exploring the forgotten corners of the vast dwarven mines, the party was attacked by undead reapers that poured in from the side passages. The beings did not speak nor make any demands, but it was clear that their target was the King of the Dwarves. Thankfully Marrajo, wise in the ways of undead foes, knew that to attack them while they were fighting their target would only summon more. Ava avoided the fight but did receive a gold bonus (see: bribe) to help one of the party members. The party let Bombo Bombo them one-by-one while the group bolstered his mind against the palpable fear that emanated from their presence. The enemy was defeated, but the party found nothing to identify the "Great Evil" that sent them.   In Mine 37-C, the FMC representatives met with Stuttgart the union steward and he expressed his demands: better pay, better working conditions (specifically, unclog the ventilation, fix the elevator, and clean out the latrines), recognition of the union and/or a return to the clan system, and most importantly, to fix his sick brothers. Investigating the sickness triggered a cave-in, so the party rescued Marrajo and the miners, only to discover that the miners refused to do anything but swing their pickaxes and sing. Stuttgart confirmed that the tunnels the other miners were digging were a safety hazard and were not authorized. Necthan confirmed Diggy's assessment about there being no precious metals in the snake-like tunnels. Furthermore, according to Diggy the gemsniffer, they had all been like this since some dreams had been afflicting them. The steward had not slept in the barracks of 37-C, and Diggy, who only slept 3 hours a night, seemed unaffected. The dwarves sang the same song that affected the Meadstorm pirates, and Stuttgart revealed that those pirates were part of this delving company originally.   Necthan and Lagiel tied up the dwarves and broke their pickaxes, and after Marrajo cast make whole on the elevator, sent them, Diggy, Stuttgart, and whatever remaining gems that Ava hadn't pilfered up to the surface. Meanwhile, Meako the Just, disguised as "Rugby," was small enough to clear out the vents, and Marrajo summoned a swarm of cockroaches to devour the refuse in the latrines. Returning to Lord Orem, the King demanded that he arbitrate the union's collective bargaining despite the company president's objections. The party collected their pay and left the President to stew. Needless to say, the king resigned his employment at FMC.

Rewards Granted

[25,000gp] wages
[1,039gp] gold nuggets (can be used as currency like gems)

Gems (These are technically only in Ava's pocket; remember: it's tagged PVP, so she doens't have to reveal them.)
[40 gp] unworked lapis lazuli (worth 20 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 12 to repair)
[40 gp] unworked pyrite (worth 20 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 12 to repair)
[83 gp] unworked amethyst (worth 40 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 15 to repair)
[450 gp] unworked aquamarine (worth 225 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 20 to repair)
[1,150 gp] unworked black diamond (worth 575 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 20 to repair)
[1,250 gp] unworked small diamond (worth 625 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 20 to repair)
[70 gp] unworked onyx (worth 35 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 15 to repair)
[60 gp] unworked azurite (worth 30 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 12 to repair)
[562 gp] unworked hematite (worth 266 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 20 to repair)
[10 gp] unworked alabaster (worth 5 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 5 to repair)
[282 gp] unworked tigereye (worth 141 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 20 to repair)
[630 gp] unworked topaz (worth 315 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 20 to repair)
[310 gp] unworked garnet (worth 155 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 20 to repair)
[100 gp] unworked rose quartz (worth 50 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 15 to repair)
[340 gp] unworked tourmaline (worth 170 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 20 to repair)
[132 gp] unworked turquoise (worth 66 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 15 to repair)
[110 gp] unworked rock crystal quartz (worth 55 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 15 to repair)
[34 gp] unworked malachite (worth 17 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 12 to repair)
[278 gp] unworked obsidian (worth 184 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 20 to repair)

Bombo (13), Meako (13): 2,004 XP each = 1,733 (a message) + 163 (saving dwarves from cave-in) + 108 (bullied the poor capitalist)
Necthan (12): 2,750 XP = 2,400 + 200 + 150
Lagiel (10): 4,583 XP = 4,000 + 333 + 250
Ava (9): 6,250 XP = 5,400 + 450 + 300
Marrajo (7): 9,625 XP = 8,400 + 700 + 525

Bombo does not shift
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because he acted within his alignment.

Meako does not shift
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because he acted within his alignment.

Necthan shifts to:
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C7G2 for helping the king and saving dwarves.

Lagiel does not shift
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because he acted within his alignment.

Ava does not shift
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because she refused to help the king, offered help only when paid, kept her word, and saved some dwarves.

Marrajo shifts to:
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N5N6 (True Neutral) for helping the king fight off minor reapers, telling the party how to defeat them, and helping save dwarves from a cave-in.

Related Reports

Report Date
04 Jul 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Masters

Nihilus (16): 7,200xp/16,000gp/5dt
Rhal (6): 2,700xp/1,300gp/5dt