The Eldritch Arena, Part 2 Report in Pandora | World Anvil

The Eldritch Arena, Part 2

General Summary

Arriving at the Eldritch Arena, each of the teams were dropped off at different docks around the floating dungeon. Inside, they discovered the walls appeared like stone and they didn't notice any shifting due to waves. The party swiftly found each other and hazarded traps (especially poor Asriel's body and spirit) and the magic missiles of Boop, Bawp, and Blip. Boop didn't survive Milo's surprise attack, Blip was swiftly dispatched by a few of Mortsuka's opportunistic strikes, and Bawp, though he surrendered, quickly lost his life to a trap he was forced to activate by his merciless captors.   The party soon discovered the "Ogre" spoken of, an illusory stone statue with 6 empty eye sockets, though it was not unguarded. A rust monster made short work of Milo's crossbow, and nearly destroyed his chainmail, as well. Afterward, they met up with Kolgrah, who, thanks to a few choice words from Milo, quickly joined the group, even revealing a couple more traps. After some investigation, the party realized that the eye sockets weren't just there to hold decorative gems, but instead were meant to hold one eye from each of the other contestants. Understandably, Kolgrah was not interested in giving up her eye, and despite his earlier flirtation, Milo was not interested in debate, and a quick strike from Asriel left her body in a pool of blood and one of her eyes in the statue. All that was missing was one more.   Braskan eventually volunteered one of his, for a share of the gold equal to the cost of having regenerate cast later, and Milo even offered to never attack Braskan in exchange as an additional perk. With the last eye in place, a teleportation circle was activated, and the party found themselves whisked away to a drow city's slave market, where they met Mistress Therana face-to-face. Fortunately, the party quickly grouped up around Braskan, who activated the teleport magic gem given to him by Detective Bly, and they escaped to Fjordhaven's docks with their lives.   They reported the incident to Captain Thrar Eagle-eye, who gave them a bit of gold as a reward, put in a good word with a local priestess of Berronar, and threw them out of his office once the "mongrel" gnoll began using dwarven slurs in kind. Mystery solved, the party disbanded after splitting up their loot and reward.

Rewards Granted

[800 gp] Reward for reporting to Captain of the Guard
  [300 gp] 30,000 copper pieces
[2,020 gp] +1 greataxe (Kolgrah's "Wizard Staff")
[535 gp] Kolgrah's Spellbook (14 of the pages have been ruined by blood or Kolgrah's doodles of stick figures chopping off heads synchronized with the bloodstains) 3rd--fireball, lightning bolt; 2nd--acid arrow, darkness, ghoul touch, gust of wind; 1st--alarm, feather fall, obscuring mist, secluded grimoire, shield, shocking grasp, silent image, sleep
[225 gp] wand of magic missile (15/50 charges)
[150 gp] wand of magic missile (10/50 charges)
[150 gp] wand of magic missile (10/50 charges)

50% discount off of one (1) regenerate spell cast by a priestess of Berronar if mentioning Thrar Eagle-Eye's name in the city of Fjordhaven (455 gp off)

Milo (4) and Mortsuka (4): 1,225 XP each = 75 (survived dart trap) + 225 (dispatched Boop, Bawp, and Blip) + 200 (sacrificed Bawp to the fire trap) + 200 (smooshed rust monster) +150 (disabled pit trap) +150 (disabled tripping chain trap) + 75 (betrayed Kolgrah) + 150 (survived falling bricks)
Braskan (3) and Asriel (1): 1,275 XP each = 75 + 225 + 225 +225 + 150 + 150 + 75 + 150

Related Reports

Report Date
15 May 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Dungeon Master

Nihilus (15): 6,750xp/12,500gp/5dt