The Emerald Spire - Level 15: Order and Chaos 08/20/2022

General Summary

Nihilus teleported to The Emerald Spire, only to discover that it had moved. Looking around, he saw the telltale pillar of green light to the south east. Travelling there, he met Tiff, Nightfall and Meako (who was in disguise). They all entered level 15 of the spire where they spoke to a pair of inevitables. They agreed to attack the proteans to the north. Travelling north, they entered a room where a group of machines fired beams of energy into them. After destroying the machines, they moved on to a room with singing crystals where they fought an inevitable. The next room opened up into endless sky with a few floating islands. They killed some proteans and looted a small altar. Moving on they came to a room with walls that teleported whatever walks into it to the opposite side of the room. After killing the occupants, they moved on to a room with runes etched into the floor. When Tiff tried to disable the first rune, she morphed into an elf. Meako tried it as well and he changed into a Halfling. Nightfall summoned a shadow of a warrior to test the second rune. It turned into an androgynous version of itself. Avoiding touching the runes, the party moved on to the next room where they fought an inevitable and a protean next to The Emerald Spire istelf. Picking the lock on a pair of giant doors set into the floor, they discovered the exit. Before leaving, they went back to the beginning and killed the inevitables who sent them north. They then moved on to search every nook and cranny of the place to find all the valuables they could.
After leaving the spire, they shared their findings with Abernard and went their separate ways. Nihilus went to work trying to learn as much as he could about The Emerald Spire. When he could not learn as much as he wanted, he returned to speak to Abernard. While speaking to him, Smaragdus exited his tent and Nihilus learned that Smaragdus is actually Illanus, his old mentor and nemesis. After trading some thinly veiled threats back and forth, Nihilus left in a fury to Xiomara.

Rewards Granted

[1,350gp] +1 breastplate
[2,500gp] gold wire
[2,000gp] singing crystal (young girls singing nonsense words)
[no value] large serpentine skull with red tulips growing out of the eye sockets
[650gp] black pearl x2
[1,000gp] emerald
[45gp] onyx x2
[600gp] ruby x3
[750gp] potion of blink
[750gp] potion of haste
[750gp] potion of nondetection
[18,350gp] +1 axiomatic greatsword
[8,335gp] +2 bastard sword x2
[4,000gp] belt of giant’s strength +2
[7,200gp] folding boat
[8,000gp] hand of glory
[4,000gp] marvelous pigments
[4,000gp] pearl of power (2nd)
[8,000gp] pink rhomboid ioun stone

Nihilus (16): 6,450xp = 200 (LAAZAARS!) + 300 (Fighting to creepy children singing) + 300 (Don't fall, you'll never land!) + 300 (Walls? What walls?) + 400 (Those are some big floor doors!) + 200 (Revenge on the robot centaurs) + 4,750 (Story reward)
Tiff (15): 7,000xp = 281 + 375 + 375 + 422 + 516+ 281 + 4,750
Nightfall (11): 11,626xp = 825 + 1,238 + 1,100 + 1,238 + 1,650 + 825 + 4,750
Meako (10): 13,375xp = 1,125 + 1,500 + 1,500 + 1,500 + 2,000 + 1,000 + 4,750
Report Date
20 Aug 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Dungeon Master

Bullgup (11): 4,950xp/4,500gp/5dt