The Emerald Spire: Godhome November 11 2021
General Summary
Khalid, Covak, Nightfall and Dana gathered together at The Emerald Spire. There they entered into the level known as Godhome. They spoke to a trogolodyte who asked if they were there to make a sacrifice and to try the 'holy grub'. Being taken on a tour of the place, they saw the 'god' which was a huge super magnet with slots in it. As they continued on their tour, Dana claimed to need to use the bathroom, so she could distract their tour guide. While he was being distracted, the other members of the party pulled a door off its hinges and tried to put it into one of the slots. Unfortunately, they dropped the door with a resounding clang, alerting everyone in the place what was happening. With cries of "They're attacking the god!" the party systematically cut their way through every troglodyte in Godhome.
When they finished killing ever living thing in site, they shoved the doors into each of the slots, turning off the machine. After which, they collected the loot and left.
When they finished killing ever living thing in site, they shoved the doors into each of the slots, turning off the machine. After which, they collected the loot and left.
Rewards Granted
400 gp
[150 gp] chainmail x2
[1,300 gp] +1 chainmail
[600 gp] half-plate armor
[200 gp] splint mail
[20 gp] heavy steel shield x5
[1,170 gp] +1 heavy steel shield
[9 gp] light steel shield x4
[1, 159 gp] +1 light steel shield
[50 gp] garnet x3
[10 gp] battleaxe x2
[2 gp] dagger x11
[304 gp] mwk cold iron dagger
[50 gp] greatsword
[2,350 gp] +1 greatsword
[12 gp] heavy mace
[5 gp] light maces x3
[301 gp] mwk light hammer x2
[10 gp] short sword x4
[24 gp] starknife x2
[8 gp] throwing axe x3
[12 gp] warhammers x3
[2,000 gp] handy haversack
Covak (7): 1,282 = 394 (They're attacking the God!) + 197 (3 Trogs) + 131 (2 Trogs) + 197 (3 Trogs) + 263 (If I keep backing up, maybe they won't kill me) + 100 (Story reward)
Dana (6): 1,450 = 450 + 225 + 150 + 225 + 300 + 100
Khalid, Nightfall (5): 1,563 = 525 + 225 + 150 + 225 + 338 + 100
400 gp
[150 gp] chainmail x2
[1,300 gp] +1 chainmail
[600 gp] half-plate armor
[200 gp] splint mail
[20 gp] heavy steel shield x5
[1,170 gp] +1 heavy steel shield
[9 gp] light steel shield x4
[1, 159 gp] +1 light steel shield
[50 gp] garnet x3
[10 gp] battleaxe x2
[2 gp] dagger x11
[304 gp] mwk cold iron dagger
[50 gp] greatsword
[2,350 gp] +1 greatsword
[12 gp] heavy mace
[5 gp] light maces x3
[301 gp] mwk light hammer x2
[10 gp] short sword x4
[24 gp] starknife x2
[8 gp] throwing axe x3
[12 gp] warhammers x3
[2,000 gp] handy haversack
Covak (7): 1,282 = 394 (They're attacking the God!) + 197 (3 Trogs) + 131 (2 Trogs) + 197 (3 Trogs) + 263 (If I keep backing up, maybe they won't kill me) + 100 (Story reward)
Dana (6): 1,450 = 450 + 225 + 150 + 225 + 300 + 100
Khalid, Nightfall (5): 1,563 = 525 + 225 + 150 + 225 + 338 + 100