Ursus Character in Pandora | World Anvil


Ursus is a stoic loner, who nevertheless is a strong, decisive, and generally good-natured leader, especially when he's had some to drink.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

While Ursus is grateful that the creature that attacked him years ago shared his moral philosophy, for nearly a century he found himself seeing the Lodge’s hunters as less a brotherhood and more as his cubs, and worried for their future as well as his own. This worry proved true when Huntmaster Cloev unseated him with a red dragon head. As Huntmaster, he was unsure of how to proceed with these feelings and was content to let the Lodge continue as before, and limited hunting to evil and neutral creatures. Ursus has enjoyed the strength of a bear in his hunts, but after many years of living with it, he seeks a cure.

Recently, Ursus was replaced by Cloev Eroloth, and since making his displeasure known about the new Huntmaster (as well as Ursus' status as a werebear), he left the Lodge and not been seen since, along with Llathan and several others. He was not impressed with what he called Arbour’s “propaganda” when offered an opportunity to join the northern kingdom by Jaxom and Egon, so his current whereabouts remain a mystery.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Prolific Trophies
Mature black dragon skull (CR 14)
Human (Lycanthrope)
Lawful Good
Current Status
Seeking to found a new hunting lodge.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Aligned Organization
Languages Spoken
Common, Orc, speak with animals

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