Campaign 1 - Stolen Rain - Session 1- The Heroes from the Well

General Summary

The Party Line up
  • Volspa Ichorstone, a shield maiden who rides her faithful Irontail mount
  • Talia, Volspa's adopted merfolk sister who skulks in the shadows with deadly magic fans.
  • Bell Juju, a sassy old merfolk granny who doesn't take crap from anyone.
  • Krumpa Dakka Waaah, the master Orc painter warrior who breathes life into color
  • Bitey the Gerblin, Krumpa's faithful minion with a severe gambling addiction that nobody can understand
The party gathers in the Desert Clan capital city of Downpour where they are given a mission to retrieve the artifact that brings rain to the desert by inquisitor Glockter   They meet two rival groups who also seek the orb, a group of pirates led by Captain cannon *hip thrust*, and a group of swamp clan mercenaries.   Bell reveals that she used to be a cook on a pirate ship that caught fire decades ago and knows the location of a hidden treasure and bargains its location with a man named Pike for an equal treasure to whoever retrieves the orb first.   Krumpa and Bitey head into town together and find themselves in a tavern called "The Last Drop" where Bitey plays a high stakes game of poker with the local lord's daughter Ray Sweetwater. The game ended in a brawl as Krumpa and Bitey exposed Lady Sweetwater as a cheater with her mechanical arm. Afterwards they talk with other patrons of the bar and learn of a woman that crawled out of a well and decide to go investigate for possible clues of the missing orb.   Volspa puts on her detective hat and convinces inquisitor Glockter to take Bell, Talia, and herself to where the orb was housed when it was stolen. They were hooded and brought to the secret location deep under the city and through some investigation found a hidden passage the criminals must of taken.   Practical Vatalli of the inquisition, a firey red head grabbed her chains and ventured with the party into the water lodged depths of the secret tunnel. Inside they are attacked by monsters and find the corpses of 3 of the thieves, one of which was undead and went by the name of Otter.   Bell Juju gracefully got Otter to explain the heist when she removed his talking skull from his body.   Otter explained that he and his crew are merencaries from the swamp clan hired to steal the orb by going through a secret trap door under a well that lead to the chamber the orb was in. After the orb was taken a type of security went off causing monsters and traps to attack. Two were killed, but 4 of them managed to escape further into the tunnel before the doors locked behind them.   Back with Krumpa and Bitey who went to investigate the well someone said they saw a women crawl out was stopped by a shaman named Rattleneck who was performing ritual sacrifices to the gods at the well. Krumpa covered himself and Bitey in invisible purple paint so they could sneak passed the crowd. Rattleneck and her followers were begging for help from the gods and concluded a human sacrifice must be made to appeal for aid. A devout blonde young woman stepped forth offering her life in exchange for the safety of her clan, but as she stepped forward Bitey the Gerblin pounced on her head and rode her straight into the well where they plummeted to the bottom. Krumpa stealthily jumped in after them.   They hit the bottom of the well and Krumpa felt a strange symbol in the wall and spoke it aloud causing the bottom of the well to open up and drop them into an underground dungeon. The trap door above them closed quickly afterwards.   The shaman Rattleneck peered down the well and saw that the 3 people and even the water at the bottom had all vanished. THE OFFERING WAS ACCEPTED!   Krumpa, Bitey, and the young blonde woman noticed a rope dangling from the ceiling from where they had fallen from. Two corpses were found pulverized.   They decided to trudge through the water and venture further into the darkness until they found an orc fighting off a swarm of insects. They helped the wounded orc who warned a great monster is further down the tunnel and it killed his friends in a single blow.   As he said this a blue light lit up in the darkness and thunderous falls of heavy footsteps echoed towards them. All 4 of them started running back towards the way they came.   Volspa, Talia, Bell, Otter's skull, and Vatalli meanwhile solved the puzzle of the torches and opened the great doorway which eventually lead to the room with the rope in the ceiling Krumpa and Bitey were in earlier.   As the group surveyed the corpses Bell and Otter were bickering and bell said the password "fire fig nuton" which opened the secret door in the ceiling up above. Moments afterwards the sound of thundering footsteps came down the tunnel and the group decided it was best to move up the rope to safety.   Granny Bell was first to climb the rope, followed by Vatalli. When the rope ended Bell was having a hard time climbing the stone walls of the well thus halting their advancement.   Krumpa, The Orc Sawtooth, and Bitey riding the young blonde as a mount came sprinting into the room announcing imminent death was chasing them.   Everyone shouted at Granny Bell to hurry up the rope as they were running out of time.   Volspa pulled out her war horn and let out a beautifully loud roar up the well.   Surface side, the shaman Rattleneck and her followers heard the majestic blast of the horn and pronounced that the Warrior God has called them with his legendary war horn from within the well.   Ratteneck peered down the well and to her amazement the once empty well now had champions sent from Valhalla crawling out of the portal below. Seeing this she ordered a human chain made from her followers as they reached down the well to hoist the champions into the moral realm.   HEEEAAVE HOOOO!   at that same moment the great hulking monster revealed itself from the shadows, it was a massive mechanical golem creature. Its chest was pulsing with deadly blue energy signaling the impending death to the party.   Of the 7 people on the rope, 5 of them were pulled up to safety.   Krumpa and the blonde mounted Bitey were the 2 left behind in the crosshairs   the beam grazed Krumpa's feet leaving no permanent damage   but Bitey was about to be engulfed by the blast and at the last moment....  
  He leapt off his faithful mount and made it to safety unscathed.   Now with all the heroes surface side the crowd cheered as Rattleneck announced that the gods have sent forth champions who will bring the rain back to the capital!   During the celebration pigs were crowd surfing at the request of Bitey who managed to wrangle one has his new mount. (name not decided yet)   It was at this moment that Granny Bell addressed the masses and announced it was the Swamp Clan who stole the rain.   The crowd went silent as the champion of the gods revealed the identity of the one responsible for endangering the entire Desert Clan's survival.   Suddenly, with a target to focus their anger and fear towards the crowd exploded into a riot!   Wagons were flipped, gates were breached, and declarations of vengeance against the Swamp Clan filled the streets.   To make matters worse, Otter the skull revealed that thief who has the orb, Fin Mouser, is in fact a shapeshifting Changeling!   End of Report
Report Date
27 Mar 2022
Primary Location