Campaign 1 - Stolen Rain - Session 4 - Politics, Love, and Exploding Heads

The Party Line up

Volspa Ichorstone, a shield maiden who rides her faithful Irontail mount
  Talia, Volspa's adopted merfolk sister who skulks in the shadows with deadly magic fans.
  Bell Juju, a sassy old merfolk granny who doesn't take crap from anyone.
  Krumpa Dakka Waaah, the master Orc painter warrior who breathes life into color
  Bitey the Gerblin, Krumpa's faithful minion with a severe gambling addiction that nobody can understand
The Party finds there way into the town of Mother's Grace where a giant stone sculpture of the Almother possess a young woman with purple gemstones for eyes every dusk to delver decrees for the desert clan to follow. These decrees teach the citizens to be honorable and united to protect the weak from those that would see them harm.   The Desert King, King Gold Braid, is in the city and holding a public meeting with the leadership to discuss the clan's plans to collect water since the rain has stopped in the city of Downpour. The following options were presented.   1. To move the king's army in Mother's grace south to rage war with the swamp clan and reclaim the stolen rain orb. Doing this would expose the mother's grace and the surrounding region to attack from the Jungle Clan.   2. Trade with the Sky Clan who offer water in exchange for the iron mines of Selbina.   3. Bring the southern army to Mother's grace and together raid the jungle clan for water.   4. Make peace with the jungle clan and together attack the swamp clan and/or sky clan   Granny Juju impersonated being a shaman and wiggled her way into the discussions and walked out as an official Diplomat of the Desert Clan.   Volspa and Captain Tsunami get plastered drunk in a fancy pirate tavern with very expensive alcohol called "The Kraken." When it was time to pay the bill, Volspa reached into her pocket and summoned her Iron Tail that she and Tsunami rode out of the tavern in full gallop. They took shelter in the stables and the excitement of the escape led to a night of drunk loving.   Bitey was gambling in a viking tavern and Krumpa explained that he is the Orc the Navy is hunting. One man ran out of the tavern to get the guard but Bitey was on him like bark on a tree. Bitey used his magical panflute about 2inches from the man's ear causing his head to explode. The guard showed up and Bitey bribed them with Gold to look the other way.   One guard knocked the other guard out and led Krumpa and Bitey into a dead end allyway where they were ambushed by thugs, but the heroes with the help of Flower were able to subdue the would be robbers. The clock struck midnight and a city wide curfew went into effect causing them to seek refuge in a random citizen's house.   The citizen was a blind, senile, old man who had a seeing eye dinosaur named Brutus. The old man cooked them a type of onion soup mixed with glass shards and other random additions that almost killed Krumpa and Bitey but surviving the ordeal actually made them stronger. The next morning they stole, I mean saved, Brutus the seeing eye dino and the old man's abusive fly swatter and met up with Volspa and Tsunami.   Granny Juju blackmailed? framed? Befriended a pirate from captain cannon's crew named Flea who secured transport negotiations for Queen of hearts to move Desert Clan troops to swamp clan territories for a full scale attack in retaliation for stealing the rain. Flea explained that Captain Cannon went to the swamp clan to gamble and then sailed back to Downpour to prepare transport operations. Flea also let the party know that the rest of her crew already departed for the town of selbina.   The Heroes all gathered together and departed on Tsunami's boat to the mining town of Selbina for all clues have been pointing that the changeling Fin Mouser headed that way after the theft of the rain orb.  
Selbina is in the middle of the Sand Sea, and to get there the party must first make their way through the Sky Sea An experience of being under the ocean, but there is no water and the marine creatures fly in the surrounding air.   The party came to a fork in the road with two God Gates, one opened and one closed. Flea explained the open gate must be from crew and Tsunami said that gate hasn't been opened for 20 years and she normally takes the path that is currently closed.   the party decided to follow captain cannon's crew in the already opened gate.   The party then is attacked by a tribe of Gerblins   Bitey used his magic pan flute to strike fear in a nearby sky whale which caused all the Gerblins to stop in amazement that he banished such a large creature and begain chanting   Volspa being able to understand Gerblin translated that the Gerblin believe Bitey to be a savior from a prophecy. The Gerblins safely escort the party to a collection of giant sea shells the Gerblins live in along with a large totem pole with a pirate named Hugo tied to to the top.   Volspa translates that the prophecy states that Bitey will slay Lockjaw or die as tribute. Before the party can ask who Lockjaw is a loud horn is blown and all the gerblins hide under their sea shells as a giant predeatory sea creature looms into view with murder in its eyes.