Mountain Clan Organization in Pandora | World Anvil

Mountain Clan

The Three Mountains symbolize the clan's Pyramid Structure and how a mountain is only as strong as its foundation.  

Woman Rule

Only women are legally allowed to own land, run a business, and hold any rank of authority in military or government titles. Men are raised for labor tasks, farming, mining, and being soldiers in the clan's army "because they are animals and without women running things, men would just kill each other like the other clans do."   Motherhood is Everything     The people of the Mountain Clan are mining society that live underground harvesting the precious ores and crystals of Pandora. They are a proud people governed by their traditions that have kept them safe and prosperous for over 300 years.

The First Clan

The clan claims their ancestors tunneled under the great ocean and emerged in Pandora thousands of years ago making them the original clan. They take credit as the founders of the common language, writing, tracking time, and the concept of currency used on Pandora. They also have been known to take credit for nearly everything else they can when speaking to other clans claiming their ancestors invented X, Y and Z and take great offense when told otherwise.

    Multiple Husbands It is common for women to take on multiple husbands, usually three, and one husband holds the title of "favored husband" who traditionally runs the household, children, and manages the other husbands.


The clan believes we are each born with a purpose in life and to defy that purpose is blasphemy and will only bring the wrath of the gods to your family. Children are trained in the profession of their same sex parent making them experts at the family business having learned the techniques passed down from their ancestors for generations.   Arranged Marriages The clan believes our destiny is in our blood and therefore marriage and children must be carefully considered to not muddy the bloodlines. People are expected to couple up with those in their same class and profession which would only enhance the family name. A noble smith would never marry farmer for instance as people would lose faith in their product when the daughter took over the business. But a noble smith would want to marry her daughter to a noble gem cutter's son for the daughter they would produce would have enhanced blood and be able to learn to combine gem cutting into their smith craft. This is the way.  

Elemental Weapons

The mountain clan is famous for ability to forge magically enhanced weapons from the elemental ores harvested from the deep mines. The knowledge of crafting such weapons is a close guarded clan secret that other clans have tried for centuries to acquire. These weapons give the mountain clan a powerful advantage against their enemies and fetch a high price in the shops of other clans who manage to get their hands on them.

The Circle

All "true" Vikings worship The Six and the Circle is an order of Clerics who uphold the will of the gods on Pandora. They bring enlightenment to the heathens and do their best to prevent unnatural change on Pandora by offering aid to the other Viking Clans in spiritual needs. They fight heretics, put down beasts that threaten to destroy civilization, and cleanse any rot that takes root in Pandora. They travel and perform blessings, sacrifices to the the six, and organize festivals even under the most dire circumstances. They care not for politics.

The Deep Mines

Ancient maze like tunnels that run under Pandora dug mostly by the clan's ancient ancestors that have fallen into ruin and encroached with monsters. The clan's ultimate goal is to restore all the Deep Mines to their former glory and make them safe passages once again.'


Monsters born in the darkness of the Deep Mines are called Hellspawn and are the reason the Deep Mines have fallen into ruin. Hellspawn are a constant threat to the clan's way of life as they give and take ground in the Deep Mines.


Those who brave the deepest darkest mines of the mountain are called Helldivers. The rarest ore grows in monster rich environments and those that risk their lives to harvest it are held at high esteem among the clan. Anyone can become a Helldiver, regardless of their gender or class as Helldivers often live short lives.   Thralls
Criminals and enslaved thralls are forced to mine the deep mines for ore, those dumb enough to try and escape through the deep mines meet a grizzly end at the hand of the Hellspawn that lurk deeper within.

Cold Climate

The mountain clan's homeland is one of the few places on Pandora that gets cold enough for snow making the people more hardy and acclimated to harsh cold conditions. "You don't know cold Lassie." Many settlements in their territories are actually underground where its warmer and and the people don't have to deal with the snow. Some people of the clan have never even been to surface and never have seen the sun.


House and professions are advertised on the clothing of the middle and upper class citizens so others will respect their knowledge and blood on all social matters. Signet rings in various gems are a common site in the mountain clan.      

Queen Umber

The Umber family has ruled over the Mountain Clan for the last 300 years and Queen Edna Umber (The Iron Heart) just celebrated her 70th birthday with her grand daughter and heir to the throne, Jazel Umber (Currently age 12.) The Queen may be old but is still considered one of the most fearsome warriors in the clan as she is fully equipped in the Umber royal battle armor which makes her neigh indestructible and armed with the finest elemental weapons the clan has ever produced. The clan still mourns the loss of Jazel's mother and older sister who both died from illness 1 year ago leaving the clan the closest they ever been to severing the Umber bloodline which now lies on the shoulders of the young 6 year old.


  Bard plays / songs of past heroes and current events / Mocking other clans   Competitive brewing and cooking   Gambling   Craftsman Faire   Prayer Shrines to the Six   Competitive Rock Climbing / Smashing / Hauling

How the clan views the other factions

The Swamp Clan

They have no honor for family or tradition. The people of the swamp clan only think about themselves and coin. This clan is not to be trusted further than you can pay them and will answer for all their sins in the afterlife. They are a cautionary tale we tell to our daughters of what men leaders turn their kingdoms into.  

The Desert Clan

They are noble in their cause and are trustworthy to fight the war against evil. The problem is they defy the natural order of the gods where they mix the lower, middle, and upper classes together as "equals" when they are not. We are a piece of the overall puzzle and must accept our place in it.  

The Sky Clan

Heretics! They denounce the gods and worship some monstrosity that sucked the souls right out of them. They are a blight that must be removed.  

The Jungle Clans

They are animals doing what animals do. They hunt, breed, and sleep outside. They are a reminder of what we Vikings used to be before the gods blessed us and gave us higher purpose in the world. We treat them as we do all the beasts, we defend ourselves and prove our superiority.  

The Merfolk Tribes

The gardeners of the gods. Their purpose is to preserve nature and keep the wildlife in balance. The problem is when they go too far and try and reclaim viking lands and return them to uncivilized lands and have to be put back into check. That is our purpose, to keep civilization in check and uphold the will of the gods and we will remind the Merfolk of this with iron and blood.  

The Immortal Sun Empire

They don't belong here and need to go back to whatever lands they hail from. They bring a foreign sun god to Pandora and feed on the flesh of men which breaks the first law of the six. If they come to our territories they will feel the wrath of the true gods.  

The Pirates

They lost their homeland, their heritage, and their history because they worshiped a false "Luck" goddess. Some of them are respectable in trying to reclaim their homeland from the empire, but most of them are nothing more than scavengers who will just pull whoever helps them down with them and best avoided completely.  

Examples of PC's linked to the Mountain Clan

  • You're a cleric of the Circle and offer aid to put down heretics, put down threats to civilization, and preserve nature.

  • You're a diplomat offering aid to another clan in their time of need in exchange for a favor in the future.

  • A family heirloom was stolen by someone involved with the current campaign mission. You will retrieve it at all costs.

  • You're a prisoner forced to work the mines for a crime you did or didn't commit. You somehow escaped and now seek fortune to start your new life outside the clan you grew up in or maybe even return and reclaim your honor.

  • A family member has brought shame to your house and you must now achieve glory of renown scale to bring honor back to your family or else fear the wrath of the gods and never be able to enter Valhalla in the afterlife.