Orc Species in Pandora | World Anvil


Orcs originally came from the same mountainous region where the Immortal Sun Empire was born, and they have been enemies ever since. The entire race has been declared abhorrent by the Church of the Immortal Sun, and after centuries of fighting the Empire, the orcs have dwindled to only a few thousand in number. Some still live on remote islands off the Arcadia continent, but many have joined the Brazen Coalition to serve on pirate ships—taking on any role that calls for an abundance of sheer muscle.
  Orc are tall, standing head and shoulders above most Humans, and are generally twice as broad. Orc come in many varieties, some with large tusks that sprout from their lower jaw, some have patches of fur on their legs and forearms, and some could even simply pass as extra large humans.
Orc believe in reincarnation after death, and when an Orc dies its spirit wanders the physical world until a new orc child is born. Because of this, the Orc think the spirits of their ancestors guide them through out their lives, everything is a sign lead them to this point in their journey. Deciding what path to take? look for a sign! Is this stranger friend or foe? Look for a sign!

Having lost most of their written history after being slaughtered to near extinction by the empire, what little remains is their shaman Talekeepers who are said to remember memories of their past lives and hold status amongst Orc. Talekeepers bodies are covered in birthmarks, each one is said to be a scar from a past life making them easily identifiable by other Orc.    

Bioform Traits


2 Hearts of HP

Language Options (choose 2)
Merfolk Sign