Human Species in Pandora | World Anvil


Humans are found throughout the wide circle of the world and come in many different varieties. The one thing they have in common tho, is their ability to adapt and overcome their environment.  

Humans of the Viking Clans

The dominate factions that make up the majority of Pandora’s settlements and residence.The Viking factions are divided into 6 clans that are locked in constant conflict with one another as they fight for resources and territories. The Vikings live a more primitive lifestyle of furs, huts, iron, and farming. They are famous for their taming of the great dinosaurs of Pandora they ride into battle screaming the names of the village they call home. They are a hard people, every man and woman is raised with a weapon in their hand and fear little else than the judgement of the viking gods, The Six.   Mountain Clan    The Sky Clan    The Swamp Clan    The Desert Clan    Jungle Clans    The Water Clan     

Viking   One bonus language (Merfolk Sign Language, Gerblin, Imperial, Sylvan, Infernal, Elder)

Humans in the Empire

  The Vampires of the Immortal Sun Empire were once human, and the common folk of the empire they rule still are. Whenever a territory is conquered, the soldiers and leaders are imprisoned to be fed upon during full moons, but the civilians are absorbed into the empire. Tradesman such as blacksmiths and tailors remain unchanged but nobles and peasants alike as reduced to slave labor until they prove themselves worthy of advancement in the empire. Many rise to the ranks of imperial foot soldiers and live out decent lives on fair wages and can purchase homes for themselves and family. These people's highest aspiration is to be deemed worthy of becoming a vampire themselves and become elites in imperial society. That being said, these humans are from all around the world that the empire has conquered and brought to Pandora.  

One bonus language (Viking ,Orc, Infernal, Elder)    

Human Pirates

Many who lost their home to the Immortal Sun Empire fled to the open seas and became Pirates. A constant thorn in the empire's side, these pirates raid and pillage imperial cargo ships and sell the contents to the highest bidder. The natives of Pandora have been isolated from the rest of the world which makes them prime customers for the pirates to sell their otherworldly goods at black market prices. Men and women without a home to go back to have nothing to lose and are willing to risk their lives for revenge, fortune, adventure, and self gratification in the land of Pandora.  

One bonus language (Orc, Gerblin, Merfolk Sign Language, Viking)