The Sky Clan Organization in Pandora | World Anvil

The Sky Clan

One of the Viking clan factions of Pandora.   Their flag is WINGS symbolizing their Dragon queen  

Knowledge is Power

The Sky Clan values knowledge above all else as they seek to create a perfect world through knowledge and efficiency. Your status in the clan is based off your contributions to advancing the clan's collection of knowledge. The leaders of the sky settlements are always the wisest of their respected groups.  

The Dragon Queen Linvala

In the year 221 of the modern era, a star fell from the heavens that crashed into Pandora's North West shore permanently altering the landscape as island like landmasses now hover high into the air in a way that defies gravity. A creature emerged from the impact site and it called itself Linvala a large dragon like creature that could take the form of a female humanoid. Linvala was graceful, wise and offered to enlighten the minds of those who would listen to her about her travels through the cosmos. Through her wisdom many people began to see Linvala as a goddess that fell from the heavens and quickly cast aside the viking gods of old, The Six, marking them heretics by the other viking clans. The Sky Clan was born.  
Linvala is wise, mysterious, and is always 3 steps ahead of everyone else. She is fascinated with the ancient artifacts of Pandora and believes they are the key to making a perfect world for not just her people, but everyone. She commonly takes the form of a blue skinned humanoid who speaks telepathically to those around her but can transform into a 150ft long fire breathing dragon in a moment's notice. She is known for her calm demeanor but not afraid to confront enemy armies on the battlefield.  

The Collective

Linvala's greatest gift to her followers was the Collective, a ritual performed by Linvala that opens your mind and allows you to share your thoughts with others who have undergone the ritual creating a permanent telepathic bond between one another. Knowledge is shared openly amongst the sky clan and there are no secrets among your brother and sister clan mates. The range of this telepathy is roughly a mile amongst the average member of the sky clan, but through strong meditation and discipline there are those who can communicate farther distances. When someone in the collective has a question about something, the whole collective can answer back making research and productivity advance tenfold. The collective is one yet many and are very wary of people outside of The Collective as they can't hear their thoughts or intentions.  

Suppressed Emotion

Another effect of being part of The Collective, is many of your "human" emotions are dramatically suppressed. Anger, fear, and jealousy don't weight down The Collective and its members are able to keep a calm and level head during times of stress. This eerie state causes other factions to claim The Collective are souless slaves to the dragon queen but the sky clan know this is just an evolution to a higher physical and mental state of intelligent beings who cast away their barbaric animal emotions.  

Robotic Voice

Members of the collective speak in a robotic voice as a side effect of having their emotions suppressed.  


If a member of the collective is separated from the others they often show signs of loneliness as they aren't used to being alone in their thoughts.  

Strict Self Care

The sky clan works towards perfection of oneself and the clan as a whole. They must not just strengthen their minds, but also their bodies so they can leave long healthy lives.  


Most of the clan are vegetarian for the health benefits but will eat meat when that option isn't available. Food is fuel to them and nothing else resulting in very bland tasting dishes amongst the sky clan.  

Daily Meditation

At least once a day, and whenever there is any kind of "down time" they meditate for at least 1 hour to calm the mind as this strengthens the bond to The Collective. Many new solutions to problems are found after a long meditation.

Daily Exercise

At least 30 minutes a day is dedicated to exercise to keep the body fit and limber. This is something the whole clan does like clock work at the sound of a loud bell that rings through out their settlements where the whole town stops what they are doing and participates in the exercise.  

Schools of Knowledge

Education and exploration is the core of the sky clan's culture and they have created several specialized schools organized to teach the masses what they have learned.    

School of Medicine

People travel across Pandora to seek medical treatment this school provides. Field researchers comb the jungles looking for new plants and artifacts in hopes of discovering a new breakthrough in the healing arts of medicine.

School of Lore

Keeps record of the events happening across Pandora either past or present. History prevents us from repeating past mistakes and helps us better understand current events. Members of this school are found scattered all over Pandora vigorously writing down their findings in scrolls and actively draw maps of the locations they visit to update the archive.  

School of Artificers

Innovators of technology they constantly work to improve the clan's quality of life such as the creation of blasting oil, balloons, and even things like thermometers. They are very interested in the technology of the Pirates and the Immortal Sun Empire and have already successfully reverse engineered the compass and are actively trying to recreate their cannons. This school sends field agents to locate and retrieve ancient artifacts and bring them back for study and safe keeping.  

School of Martial Arts

Warriors known as Monks who seek perfection in the way of battle. They live a life of discipline and never ending training of their physical bodies and travel across Pandora seeking knowledge of new martial art styles. They famously challenge warriors they encounter to non-lethal duals to not only test their personal fighting style but to study their opponents. They believe a battle outcome is won during the planning phase and knowing thy enemy is the key to victory.  

Linvala's Children

Linvala is not just a leader, visionary, and fierce warrior. She is also a mother. Linvala is always on the look for extraordinary mates to produce extraordinary offspring with. Each child is always different than those that came before it and some say the the father's personality and physical abilities are the deciding factor of the outcome. Her brood consist of some intelligent human like beings like Half Dragon Humans, Minotaurs, and Changelings but many are more animalistic and not even Linvala herself can keep them under control. She hopes to one day produce the perfect being, one that matches or even surpasses her own physical and mental abilities.  


Tattoos mark the education rank from the schools in 4 tiers with 1 being the highest tier. They wear comfortable and practical attire suitable for their activities of the day and often are seen wearing simple robes and shows that allow easy flexibility. Their clothes are usually fitted with multiple extra pockets to help them carry any tools or materials they may need with just a moment's notice. They often adorn jewelry and tattoos of dragons to honor the dragon queen.  


  Public Lectures   Chess   Memory Games   Graduation Ceremonies   Wrestling / Sparring Matches   Public Experiments  

How the clan views the other factions


The Swamp Clan

They respect the swamp clan's pragmatism and willingness to do what it necessary to adapt and overcome their obstacles. The swamp clan also knows the value of information and isn't afraid to share that information with the sky clan for mutual benefit. The only problem they have with the swamp is clan is their selfish tendencies amongst themselves instead of using their knowledge to better the world.  

The Desert Clan

They admire the Desert clan's dedication to structure and appreciates their desire to make the world a better place. They are frustrated tho with the desert clans inability to be flexible and understand that they shouldn't get in the way of an individual trying to become the best version of themself just for the sake of the group.  

The Mountain Clan

They see the mountain clan as stuck in the past. They are obsessed with the traditions and so set in their ancient ways that they shun anything new or innovative. Their mentality hinders everything the sky clan believes in. The only thing the mountain clan offer is their master craftsmanship, and the sky clan would do anything to learn the ancient family secrets of their artistry.  

The Jungle Clans

They are reckless and unreliable, as well as destructive and impulsive. The Jungle clans are guided by the most chaotic force in the world, emotion. They cannot be reasoned with and their destructive nature seeks to break down everything the sky clan wishes to build. In order for any real long-term progress is to be achieved, the jungle clans must be eliminated.  

The Merfolk Tribes

Like most clans, the Merfolk are a constant thorn in the Sky Clan's side. They hinder exploration of the ancient ruins and acquisition of artifacts.  

The Immortal Sun Empire

The foreigners are of great interest to the sky clan for they are a well of new knowledge and technology. They would love to seek peace and mutually grow from each other's influences but the Empire has marked Linvala as some kind of demon who enslaves the minds of the mortals and must be eliminated making peace talks off the table.  

The Pirates

With the Immortal Sun Empire refusing friendly negations, the Sky Clan is forced to use the chaotic pirates as their source for foreign technology and history. They don't have the ability to "create" most of their advanced technology and instead resort to plundering from the Immortal Sun Empire and selling their spoilers to the Sky Clan in hopes of learning to reverse engineer the technology themselves. They must be "tolerated" for now even tho they aren't too different than the Jungle Clans in their emotion and greed centered culture.

Examples of PC's linked to the Sky Clan



You offer support to another faction if they send and army or navy to help the Sky Clan achieve new territory or push out an invading force.  

Field Agent

You seek to acquire a rare material, ancient artifact, or monster egg to bring back to the Sky Clan for study and/or safekeeping.  

Lore Hunter

You wish to accompany the party simply to record the events of the adventure into scrolls to bring back to the sky clan so they can add your work to their archive.