Blackpowder Coast
Infusions: Black powder, barnacles.
Specific locations:
- Kegham (or keggum or keggim?)
- Kennerit town co-op: straddling the border between the Blackpowder coast and Felletoum, on the Ruserinap River (which is navigable as far as the town), this farming co-op lives a peaceful yet poor existence by paying protection money to the raiders of Port Rutinap down the river. They collect mussels from the river, graze salt-tolerant sheep on the Blackpowder heathlands, raise gooseberries in Felletoum, and once a year collect peaches that are borne downriver from the Runep peaks to the northeast.
- the warped gardens: simultaneously the pleasure-gardens and defence for the palace of a merchant-noble during the first Blackpowder Cartel, this encircling garden was extensively reshaped by a team of Cyanflame Mages over a period of years and at great expense. it contains a river that flows in an eternal loop, and is filled with beautiful plants and statuary. it is also virtually impossible to navigate without secret knowledge only given to a few. the gardens have endured for millennia, passing through a long period of abandonment and wilderness, being inhabited by raiders, and resettlement by more recent cartels. located on the horn of Caracar.
- Where is the originating heartland, if anywhere - Isthmus?
- is there a slave trade? is there indentured servitude?
Landscape: barnacle-encrusted coast; rugged cliffs with small sandy coves, caves, arches, and pillars; further inland, tough and salty wind-swept grasses inhabited by sheep. Cornish in feel.
Fauna & Flora
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