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An ancient and extremely widespread group, urchins - literal man-sized, intelligent sea urchins - are found in and near urban centres all around the Bindkelp Sea, Burnished Isles, Nidari Reach, Sky-sea, Chaneritt, and possibly even further afield (highwater, mercury ocean, southern landmass). They are able to eat almost anything and master salvagers, and as such they frequently do dirty and unpleasant jobs other races would less like to do. They are often looked down on as strange and dirty outsiders, and are careful to maintain their own infusions and culture so frequently live slightly apart from society - a separation not eased by their inability to speak many human languages (their own speech being heavy on rasps and sibilants). As such, they suffer from much mistreatment by other races. Children often play tricks on them, like leaving trails of rubbish to lead them into yards then barricade them in.     They keep pet urchins to maintain their own infusions, and on a rare occasion they will take in a truly desperate outsider and infuse them deliberately, converting them into an Urchin. Their mastery of their own essence is much undernoticed and underappreciated.   Questions:   Where are they from originally?   Why are the so widespread? - due to their ability to manage their own infusions.
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