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The Known Loa

Loas are independent Demi-God creatures born of the divine influences of Gods Pan and Pinya.   Eraka No Kimbul, Loa of Monarchs:   Eraka No Kimbul was once the loa of beast but due to world altering events have transformed and has now taken his place as the Loa of Monarchs, his blue and silver fur majestically shining in the golden light of the sun. He is the most well-known Loa.   Jani The Serpent:   Jani The Serpent is a slithering Loa that rules over garbage and decay. Its emerald green scales shine brightly in the sun, while its ruby-red eyes glisten with cunning intelligence. Jani has a forked tongue, and its hiss can cause shivers down the spine of even the bravest warriors. Jani is also known as the keeper of secrets, and it is said that if you offer Jani an appropriate tribute, it will reveal to you hidden knowledge that no one else knows.   Torga The Turtle:   Torga The Turtle is a wise and venerable Loa that embodies the concepts of homes and peace. Its shell is massive, and its skin is the color of sand. Torga's eyes are kind, and its slow movements convey a sense of patience and tranquility. It is said that if you seek a peaceful home, you should pray to Torga, and it will bless you with good fortune and happiness.   Elortha no shadra:   Elortha no shadra is a mysterious Loa that rules over spies and covert operations. Its appearance is shrouded in secrecy, and few have ever seen it in its true form. Some believe that Elortha no shadra is a shape-shifter, capable of taking on the appearance of anyone or anything. It is said that if you need to spy on someone or something, you should offer a sacrifice to Elortha no shadra, and it will provide you with the necessary knowledge.   Goku the Monkey:   Goku The Monkey is a playful and mischievous Loa that embodies the spirit of partying, tricks, and pranks. Its fur is golden and silky, and its eyes are bright and full of life. Goku is often depicted with a mischievous grin on its face, and it is said that if you throw a party and offer Goku a tribute, it will come and bless your celebration with laughter and joy.   Akunda The Thunder Lizard:   Akunda The Thunder Lizard is a powerful and fearsome Loa that rules over storms and new beginnings. Its scales are a deep shade of purple, and its eyes glow with an otherworldly light. Akunda's roar can shake the very earth, and its thunderous footsteps can cause buildings to crumble. It is said that if you seek a fresh start or need to overcome a difficult challenge, you should offer a sacrifice to Akunda, and it will guide you through the storm

Articles under The Known Loa


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