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The Oath of the Damned

The Oath of the Damned


Anu, the Susceptor

Over Deity and head of the pantheon

Anu is a powerful deity, associated with death and the afterlife. He is said to summon forth the souls of the fallen, binding them to his service in the afterlife. Anu is often depicted as a grim figure, with a hooded cloak over his skeletal jackal face and a staff topped with a a stylized ankh. He is able to freely communicate with any soul, in any afterlife. Anu is both feared and revered, for his absolute power over death is both terrifying and awe-inspiring.

His primary servant is Azrael, The Harbringer of Death
    "And the dead shall rise and follow him, for he holds the keys to the kingdom of the dead."- The Book of Ezekiel


Nurgle, the Plague-Bringer

Greater Deity

Nurgle is a feared and reviled god, associated with sickness, death, and decay. He rides upon a bloated and mutated horse made of bones and carrion, and his presence brings with it the stench of rot and decay. Nurgle wields wicked sarrated sword, with which he spreads disease and death throughout the land. He is often depicted as a gigantic and bloated with corruption, with foul-coloured leathery and necrotic skin. Legions of Demons reval amongst his exposed entrails or drink the foul discharge he emits. Nurgle is both feared and worshiped by those who seek to use his power for their own gain.

"Beware the rider on the pale horse, for he brings with him pestilence and death." - The Book of Revelation

Halosis, the Usurper

Greater Deity

Halosis is a cunning and treacherous god, associated with power and ambition. He seeks to take the throne of the gods for himself, and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goal. Halosis is often depicted as a charismatic and handsome figure, with a silver tongue that can sway even the most steadfast of hearts. He is said to be a master of manipulation and deception, and his followers often seek his guidance when dealing with matters of politics and power. Halosis is both admired and despised, for his ambition knows no bounds.

"And the Lord said, 'Beware the false prophet, for he shall come in sheep's clothing but inwardly he is a ravening wolf.'" - The Book of Matthew

Rubrum, the Wrathful

Greater Deity

Rubrum is a fearsome and powerful deity, associated with War and Grim Duty. He is known for his fiery temper, and when he is angered, he unleashes a wave of destruction upon the world around him. Rubrum wields a flaming sword, which he uses to smite his enemies and lay waste to entire cities. He is often depicted as a towering figure with skin as red as flames, his eyes burning with an inner fire. Rubrums area of influence is pure destruction. Nothing less than complete annihilation of the enemy and their kin is required when serving this dark god.
"He makes wars to cease unto the end of the earth; He breaks the bow, and cuts the spear in two; He burns the chariot in the fire." - Psalm 46:9  

Divine Source of Power:
Souls of the damned & Leeching power from Pangea                             Named Demons: Abaddon, the Corruptor - A greater demon that preys upon those who have strayed from the path of righteousness. It whispers lies and deceit into their ears, tempting them to break their oaths and embrace the darkness.   Belphegor, the Slothful - A lesser demon that tempts mortals with the promise of an easy life, enticing them to abandon their duties and responsibilities. Those who fall under its sway become lazy and complacent, unable to break free from its grip.     Leviathan, the Envious - A greater demon that feeds on jealousy and envy, driving mortals to covet what others have and despise their own blessings. It delights in causing strife and discord among friends and families.     Mammon, the Greedy - A lesser demon that lures mortals with the promise of wealth and material possessions. It preys on their desires for material goods, driving them to hoard and accumulate at the expense of others. Aamon, the Lusty - A greater demon that embodies lust and desire. It tempts mortals with the promise of carnal pleasure, leading them down a path of addiction and obsession.     Asmodeus, the Vain - A lesser demon that preys on those who crave attention and adoration. It whispers lies into their ears, convincing them that they are superior to others and deserving of admiration.     Belial, the Deceiver - A greater demon that delights in causing chaos and confusion. It manipulates mortals, twisting their perceptions of reality and leading them down paths of destruction.     Beelzebub, the Gluttonous - A lesser demon that preys on those who indulge in excess. It feeds on their addiction to food, drink, and other pleasures, driving them to consume to the point of self-destruction.     Mephisto, the Arrogant - A greater demon that embodies pride and arrogance. It preys on the hubris of mortals, leading them to overestimate their own abilities and fall into traps of their own making.

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