Coins of Relnu

The clerics at the Swampshoal Point Basilica have crafted coins for those who spend much of their time upon the sea. Every step of the process in making these coins is imbued with the blessings of Relnu, the god of the moon and death. From the smelting of the ore into the plancs to the stamping of the coins, the blessings are added. By the time a new coin is ready for its final benediction, its blessed purpose is ingrained into every bit of it. Small coin pouches, each able to hold fifty coins, are given to every ship's chaplain whether it be a merchant or naval or pirate ship they serve.   What these coins do is prevent a body from rotting for up to one year, allowing their friends or loved ones time to bring the remains to the temple for an attempt at resurrection. This is extremely expensive and not an option for most families. If the dead is meant to be buried the coins will prevent the body from becoming undead on its own or through necromancy.   To use the coin, one coin is placed in the mouth. If the mouth is not available due to the conditions of death, the coin can be placed anywhere there is flesh or even bone to which it will stick. If someone has been broken up into bits, the coins will gather whatever parts remain about itself, making it much easier to respectfully wrap it in linens.   The creation of these coins is recent, having been invented by the Basilica in a mere ten years ago. In just one decade, the Coins of Relnu have become so beloved that sailors come to the Basilca begging for their own coin should they be lost at sea without a cleric at hand. After some discussions, the clerics discovered how common this uncommon situation can happen have created a Goodbye Pouch. It is a very small sharkskin pouch worn about the neck on a cord. In the pouch is two coins. One for the wearer and one for a companion.   They only charge a minimal fee for these pouches to cover the actual cost of material, which still requires a full month's pay for the typical sailor. However, it is a price sailors are willing to pay. Those who do not yet have a Goodbye Pouch are known to even forgo drinking when ashore just to be able to afford one. Final peace at sea means that much to them.

Cover image: by prettysleepy1


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Aug 8, 2024 22:16 by Laria

I'm curious to get more information regarding how this coin has spread so fast in you world. What where the people using before this?

Aug 9, 2024 18:46 by K.S. Bishoff

The coins are new... and is a great change for the less wealthy... a first... also, this is still technically a new thing in the Baquay Sea region that has now spread to the rest of the world yet

Come vist my worlds
Aug 13, 2024 22:50 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

These are so cool. The amount of peace this must bring sailors just to know this is an option.

Aug 14, 2024 00:22 by K.S. Bishoff

Yup... is why they work so hard to save their pay to get one

Come vist my worlds