
Ozzy "Oz" Kings (a.k.a. Crocodile)

Ozzy is the chosen champion of the The Reptile That Swims, given the power of the Crocodile. Among zir fellows ze is referred to as Croc in uniform and Oz or Ozzy in civvies. Generally, ze has a reputation for being kind and playful, cheering up scared children and victims, and engaging in rescue operations more than violence. Enemies are therefore always surprised by what an effective fighter ze is.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ozzy is quite squat and androgynous in appearance, using zir hidden strength for grapples and pins.

Special abilities

Ozzy can summon the teeth, jaws, eyes, and scales of a crocodile, as well as the ability for short-term anaerobic respiration if there's something preventing breathing air.   Additionally, due to OLYMPUS's experimentation, Ozzy has enhanced physical features and some level of influence over water in zir vicinity.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ozzy was part of the third wave of Champions  of the modern era. Ze finally found a place to settle down and make connections amongst the rest of the Champions.   As a very young child, the individual that would later be known as Ozzy was kidnapped from a refugee camp for use in a series of genetic engineering experiments by OLYMPUS. As part of the X Group of experiments, codenamed King, Ozzy was trained extensively in combat and was attempted to be infused with abilities. According to zir, this amounted to a slight physical enhancement and ‘something to do with water’.   When Ozzy reached the age of 14, the other, older experiments of the X group realised they were all no longer safe with OLYMPUS and broke out violently, with them then all going their own ways. Ozzy spent some time trying to track down zir origins while traveling the world, and ended up hopping from the caribbeans to mainland US when the gift from the Reptile that Swims became apparent.   The other Champions became aware of this past with OLYMPUS when the organisation hunted zir down in Sarnport and engaged in a fight in civvies which ended with all of the OLYMPUS goons dead in a warehouse.

Mental Trauma

Like all of the X group, Ozzy still struggles with the effects of the rampant dehumanisation and manipulation employed by OLYMPUS, and can act prickly and violent when ze believes ze sees it in people around zir.


Contacts & Relations

Ozzie is part of the aquatic polycule, dating Amber and in a QPR with Yaz and Pyra. Ze is good friends with Sean and Vix as they have similar senses of humor and personalities and has overall mostly avoided being absorbed into any familial relationships.

Family Ties

Of course, all of the X group, including X-Aces, Asterisk, aNightwood, and Marble, all consider each other siblings and have agreed to a non-interference pact with each other's works to avoid any potential infighting.
Current Location
Current Residence
Dark green/yellow
Shoulder length, dark, thick
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Arabic skin tone
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
English, fluent; French, fluent; Spanish, fluent; German, knowledgeable; Maltese, little

Cover image: by Patricia Lazaro