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Fourteen's Seat

Fourteen's Seat is where everything started in the new lands of Pantheon. Settled to be the capital by design, Fourteen's Seat is entirely self-sufficient. The city itself has naturally expanded out but any travel south to the rest of Pantheon has been driven by idealogical reasons than desperation or a lack of space. The intense focus on the various domains is most prevalent here, to the point that different sections of the city, organized as basically a pie chart, are named after the various major domains. The people aren't divided in this way though - you are as equally likely to find a follower of an order domain deity in the trickery district as any other. Instead the organization of the city is seen as a constant reminder of what keeps the city running so smoothly.   In the center of the city is the large, 14 level tower that serves as the home of the High Council.   Culturally, Fourteen's Seat would be very confusing to a complete outsider. On one hand, it seems incredibly cosmopolitan. The peoples brought to Pantheon were diverse and given room to express and incorporate their individual histories into the society that was essentially built from scratch. On the other hand, they are an incredibly singular people when it comes religion and government and how they are effectively the same for Pantheon. There is dissent as always, but the system of the domains is so successful and the majority so invested in it that these dissenters are pushed to the absolute fringes of society.
Large city

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