Saspal Prisi (ˈsaspal ˈpɾisi)

A famous opera tenor, originally from Edaris Pelu, but has made Dot Clyr his home, and got a steady engagement at the The Royal Opera.

He stays extended periods of time in a hotel suite at Gwut. He often likes to help homeless teen boys by taking them in and being a foster parent to them until they turn 18, which is when they are considered adults, according to Thieian law. One boy, who was a talented singer already, got to train with a vocal coach and Saspal arranged to get the boy cast as the lead role in Cupbearer to the Gods.

Saspal is often described as charming and charismatic. The boy who got the opera role, has also pointed out that charm and charisma are often characteristics of people with certain antisocial personality disorders. Saspal is no longer employed at the Royal Opera, and under investigation by the authorities, for numerous crimes. The boys living with him at the time have been rescued by the Pror Cuas foundation for helping teenage boys out of prostitution, which Saspal is believed to have gotten them into in the first place.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and a bit of a potbelly.

Apparel & Accessories

Suits, often in unusual colors like purple or green, and with matching scarfs.

Mental characteristics


Gay, top.


The Nagri Opera College in Edaris Pelu.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Graduated at the top of his class from the Opera College.

Failures & Embarrassments

Was forced to flee his homeland of Nagri after their government voted to re-criminalize homosexuality and put out an arrest warrant for him. The Nagri authorities tried and failed to have him extradited, claiming he had sex with minors and may have even murdered some of them.

Intellectual Characteristics

Charming, charismatic, manipulative and complete lack of empathy, and trouble seeing how his behavior hurts others and doesn’t quite fall within social norms.

Personality Characteristics


To always play one of the male lead roles in the opera productions he is in, always be the best performer in the production, the star attraction.



Being an opera singer he tends to use his diaphragm support also when he speaks. Most of the time he speaks with a posh accent, but when he gets angry, his original Nagri accent pokes through.

Wealth & Financial state

Owns a villa on the coast, south of Dot Clyr. Invests in the stock market, and gold.
Current Location
1991 TE 2038 TE 47 years old
Circumstances of Death
Cardiac arrest during sex with a guy.
Place of Death
Dark brown
1.89 m
90 kg
Ruled Locations


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