Edaris Pelu

The capital city of Nagri. A beautiful city with many treelined boulevards on which the Emperor ruling the nation has regular military parades in his honor.   While many people may be drawn by the beauty of the city, it is not a place where you would want to live, quite simply because it is way too easy to die there.   If you do visit you should be prepared to show your papers to any member of the Security Police, whenever they ask and they ask people they randomly encounter on the street. People get shot by the Security Police for not being quick enough to produce their papers, for having a bit of a foreign accent, having anything they deem contraband on them, or because taking you in for questioning is too much of a hassle.   If you do manage not to get gunned down by the Security Police you can stroll along the boulevards, stepping over bodies left behind by the Security Police, and go see the Imperial Palace. Just don't get too close, because people get shot for that too.   Other points of interest may be the University, the Lighthouse, the park where gay people sneak around the bushes for cruising while trying to avoid getting caught doing so by the Security Police and avoiding tripping over the bodies of those who did get caught. There's also the burn out ruins of the Library and the remains of the Art Museum, which was blown up for displaying abstract art, or rather art that the Emperor considered too abstract for his taste. The Imperial Opera still stands, thanks to them having the good sense to only put on productions with the Emperor's approval. The opera Cupbearer to the Gods was banned for all time by the Emperor after he visited a rehearsal and found it "subversive" and the composer, Pror Cuas was forced to flee the nation, or he would have been killed by the Security Police.


A Mayor is appointed by the Emperor to rule the city for him. The Mayor is appointed for life, though some will bring up the fact that as many as three Mayors have been replaced by the Emperor, in the last century, because they didn’t come down hard enough on student protests and other demonstrations. But the people who do mention that often forget that the Mayors who failed the Emperor enough to be replaced were taken out and shot in front of City Hall.


There's mixture of Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Neoclassical buildings in Edaris Pelu, but those are more the exceptions, while the majority of the city is Hausmannian Architecture.
Founding Date
2 million
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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