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Lord Diyu

Lord Diyu

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Diyu started his life as a Hunter for his village on Hadawon, He had dreams of becoming a great warrior. However, the days of great battle where over on his planet, the war that ended all wars was fought way before he was born. With the treaties made and divisions of land agreed upon to that of each providences liking there was no more wars to fight. Life was lived in unison with nature, they hunted for meat, grew crops, and above all else stayed inside their land markers. Diyu was always out hunting he felt most alive when stalking his prey and learning their habits. Diyu was the first in his village to notice subtle changes in the world. Shore lines receding slightly more each year, breeding grounds changing for an influx in heat during the breeding season. Even feeding grounds shifting from the year prior because of less rainfall. No drought big enough to cause an alarm, so he marked it up to the world is just ever changing and went about his hunts.   One Day while out on a hunt a large object in the sky got his attention. The object was moving fast in the midday sky and heading for his village. He quickly made off towards the village worried for his family and friends. When he arrived he noticed these strange slender, pale figures talking with his village elders. he quickly ran up to the crowd that had now formed around this object and he could start to make out words. The words sounded like they were coming from inside his head which really confused him. The Voice said, "Stay Calm being of this world, for we come to help guide you and race to safety from the inevitable doom that awaits you and your planet. We shall teach you how to take to the vacuum of space and use our Warp Rings to find a new suitable home. to live in peace like you have been."   Diyu was eager to learn these new ways. He already could see the seas slowly receding from the shores because he spent most of the time away from the village. The Anunnaki were very pleased with how much Diyu could learn and comprehend about space and distant galaxies. He eventually became the middle ground between the Anunnaki and the village elders, who wanted nothing to do with these new otherworld visitors. Diyu consistently tried to convince the elders that they needed to listen to the Anunnaki for the good of their people and put their old ways and gods down, for they had forsaken them. Yow, the oldest of the village elders, tried to reason with Diyu and explain that if it is our time to die, we should be grateful for our time and accept our fate. The planet's fate is also ours; we are all connected. Diyu was immensely angered by this answer and said he would not sit back and watch his people slowly die of hunger and thirst when he had capable hands.   Diyu runs back to the Anunnaki, who asks how the meeting with the Elder went. He hesitates and says he explained everything the Anunnaki has taught him, and the village elders respond with How will we live among the stars? There are no rivers or wild game to hunt; we will surely meet the same end in space that we will face here. Diyu says, "I must show them we can survive and change. Will you help me?" The Anunnaki tell him they are not allowed to directly change anything, for it would change the foreseen timeline to an unforeseen timeline. Confused and frustrated by their answer, he roars out anger, making the Anunnaki slowly board their ship to give him space and time to clear his head. While Diyu sits in rage, he is approached by another Anunnaki, one he has never seen before. The Strange one says I can help even if the rest of my crew will not. Diyu asks, "How can you help? There is nothing that can be done." The strange one says, "Meet me at the High Hill later tonight after your village has gone to sleep."   Later that night, Diyu feels compelled to go to the high hill to see what this strange one can do. When he shows up, the Strange One seems to be already doing some weird ritual. Diyu says, "I have never seen your kind perform such acts before. Is this normal?" The strange one looks at him and says, "Diyu, do you wish to lead your people to survival? Do you wish to get off this cursed rock and take to the stars?." Diyu does not hesitate and responds with conviction, "Yes!." The Earth begins to shake pieces of ore, and molten lava congeals in a molten giant orb hovering over the high hill. The strange one waves his hand, and it begins to glow with a purple can red hew with bolts of blue electricity coming off it. Diyu is lifted off the ground and held in place with a wave from the Strange One's other hand. The Strange One says, "Brace yourself because this is going to hurt like hell." The strange one claps his hands together, and the orb and Diyu begin to move toward each other. The sphere is still liquid, bubbling as it slowly encompasses Diyu's body. Diyu only gets a brief scream before his face and mouth are covered. The liquid metal moved down his throat and covered his entire body inside and out. Strange metallic cracks and thuds can be heard as Diyu's body transforms, and his body and the metal become one. There is a loss of steam and smoke as the molten metal cools, and what is left of Diyu not hovers back down to the ground. The strange one looks over Diyu's body and says, "Interesting, that is not what I expected... and begins to laugh and walk towards the Anunnakis ship, mumbling, "I bet you did not see this coming." and he disappears in a blink.   Diyu wakes in a fit of rage (The molten metal enhances his less desirable traits like ego, anger, jealousy, hatred, etc.), confused and even more angered by confusing walks off in the distance, his body now completely changed. His proud muscular structure is now blocky and metallic. He is outraged by how he looks and slams both clinched fists into the Earth, which makes a large crater in the earth and a crack that shoots out of the creator from the sheer force of his blow. Still, in a rage, he runs back to the only place he knows instinctually, and that is his village. He is met with screams from village women and children. One seems to almost recognize him. It is his mother. She calls out his name in confusion, "Diyu, is that you, my child?" she walks up to him and puts her hand on his cheek. this calms Diyu for a second, only to hear the village elder screaming, "Heretic, the betrayer, you are not welcome here... Monster." Diyu's calm is quickly broken by him being called a monster; he walks over to the village elder and punches him in the face. The punch was so strong that the force smashed in his skull and decapitated the Elder. What was left of his lifeless body fell to the ground with a thud.   The entire village is now scared and horrified by Diyu and his actions. His mom is in disbelief, scolds him, and says, "This isn't how we live; we don't act like this anymore! We are of the peace." Diyu's voice thunders with a robotic tone to it through the village. "What peace? You are all doomed to die; even your young will die," as he points to the sun. "By that! Now is your chance to follow me and take back your lives and give hope to our young and our people."   the Anunnaki ships quickly leaves the planet and the Kreegans to die by their sun. Another village elder speaks up and says, "It is better this way; we will all die in peace now." Diyu then walks over to him and says, "Who says?"   Under the autocratic leadership of Diyu, he puts together raid parties and goes out and conquers other Kreegan villages. Within five years, all the Kreegan race now bows down to Diyu. He demands forges and metalworking throughout the land. Diyu also begins to notice that he no longer requires food, sleep, or drink and lives way beyond the years of any of his fellow kind.   Ninety years later, Diyu is still alive and has become more powerful as he has learned more abilities and demands to be worshiped as a God by his people and sits on his throne demanding an update on when the spacecraft will be ready. With only five years left until the time is out, his people are starving and dying of malnutrition. The strange one shows back up from within Diyu's private chamber. Their surprise meeting doesn't go well as the strange one can freeze Diyu in his tract in a psychic bubble where he tells Diyu that he will grant him a spacecraft if he agrees to serve the Strange One's orders from time to time. Diyu agrees on one condition he turns all his people into the same thing he is to better carry out orders in space. as his people are dying currently because there is no food and there are no rivers. With a smirk, the Strange one agrees and says, "So be it." in a flash, thousands of screams can be heard across the land as every Kreegan alive transforms into a metallic version of their former selves. There were more consequences to Diyu's wish than he first realized. Before, he had a nation of people who willfully bowed a knee to keep the peace. Now he steps out the leader of Warrior based nation where only the toughest will lead, and the weakest will submit under strength alone.   As Diyu's people load up into the spacecraft given to them by The Strange One, he then looks towards the sun and spits at it and cannot wait to take his revenge on the Anunnaki who walked away from them in the desperate hour.


Technofabrication - Only Diyu has discovered how to create more of his kind through the mastery of his powers.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations

Articles under Lord Diyu

Character Portrait image: by Russell Cosby and AI Art powered by Dell-E


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