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Katurn the planet of the Cringereons has a diverse and lush landscape, with dense forests, rolling hills, and grassy plains. The climate is mild and temperate, with occasional rain and moderate temperatures throughout the year.


The natural balance of the ecosystem was previously maintained through the magic properties established by the original ruler. However, since the Kreegan assumed control of the planet, this balance has been disturbed. Dormant creatures and guardians that were once kept in check are now free to roam without any constraints, resulting in a state of chaos and unpredictability. With no clear pattern or purpose, these creatures have become feral and are no longer subject to the control of magic or any other means.

Localized Phenomena

The lack of magical influence on the lands has resulted in significant changes to their natural state, with some regions now subject to permanent lightning storms, while others have become the driest of deserts. In addition, small streams have transformed into raging rivers, causing flooding along the ocean coastlines. These changes are a testament to the powerful impact that magic held over the environment, and they serve as a reminder of the delicate balance between magic and nature. Despite the challenges presented by these transformations, they also offer a unique and fascinating glimpse into the power and complexity of the natural world.

Fauna & Flora

The planet planet is still home to a variety of wildlife, including fantastical creatures such as dragons, and griffins only in much less numbers. These creatures were revered as guardians and symbols of power. Now left to run wild with no order in the world.


Before being conquered by the Kreegan Horde this was once a magical planet was home to mystical and magical locations, such as hidden groves, enchanted forests, and ancient ruins. These places used to hold great significance in the mythology and culture of the Cringereons, and were once sources of power and inspiration.   Overall, the planet of the Cringereons was once a rich and diverse environment, full of wonder and magic. The landscape and inhabitants of this world once reflected the unique culture and mythology of this fantastical species. Will it ever be that way again?
Included Locations
Additional Rulers/Owners
Inhabiting Species

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