BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Some kind of Doctrine that the 100 now oversee to control the masses of the O.C.C. Bounty Hunters and most powerful civilians. This Secret cult is a requirement to achieve wealth and power within the O.C.C.   With the highest of command in the O.C.C. all in the same cult English became the common languge.


This is a secret cult

Divine Origins

When Barnaby Jones first enters the Orbital Osiris Colony after being picked up from Roanoke Island he believes he is entering into heaven. He mistakes the giant glowing airlock for the pearly gates and assumes he is about to be rewarded for his devoted life on Earth. To his dismay this was not heaven and life was not easy and restful. There was no Jesus, only the void of space. The realization of being such vast universe cause him apostasy in his Christian beliefs and a new Void took over in his soul. A recorded personal journal revealed this:

"The Void is overwhelming I can see it, I can feel it, it is in my very soul. How do i continue this meaningless life? I would surely be put to death if I was still home... home... home... hahahaha there is no home, only the void of what was home. Hello? who is this hissing voice that I hear? Are you the voice of the void come to collect my soul? ZA, Zur, Zurrotan." the message abruptly stops.

Cosmological Views

The universe was created in an instant of Chaos and fire. It is the Chaos that brings all changes within the universe and it is the same with people. Good and bad changes both stem from the chaos of the change it self. Without Chaos the Void is pointless.

Tenets of Faith

1. Instill chaos into the live of those you wish to change. Even if you wish them to grow beautifully. A sword doesn't not become a sword with out first succumbing to the chaos of the forge and the anvil.     2. Always worship in the nightly hours.   3. Make sacrifices in your life to create chaos.   4. Carry thy masters name with confidence, there is no need to blab, his name he will find those worthy.   5. Harvest the chaos that which you sow.    6. Address those that carry our symbol as brother or sister.   7. Observe the 8th month as a holy month.   8.  Sit in the stillness of the Void, and the chaos will find you and command you to move. Move you shall and with a purpose for Zurrotan commands it.


There are monthly gatherings usually held on the 8th day of every month. The gatherings are held usually in the night time hours of a day. The highest or Longest running member will start the gathering with a personal sacrifice that all will witness. offerings will be placed out to Zurrotan, all held in sacred containers bearing his mark.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Top Class political figures are all  members of this secrets cult.

Only chaos fills the void.

Founding Date
Religious, Cult
Ruling Organization
Related Species


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