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Covenant (cov·e·nant)

The Anunnaki set up in Earth's orbit and sent several parties down to Earth to reach out and look for intelligent civilizations, Ones who might be capable of learning about the universe to defend their home planet. The Anunnaki decided on the Harappa and the Mayan civilizations as the brightest of the time (730 CE). Both societies go willingly, thinking their Gods are calling them to a higher power. The Anunnaki teach them the way of the universe and how to travel in space properly using the Warp Rings. (Their intelligence and technology are much higher than Earth Humans.) The Anunnaki set up an agreement with these new space humans, telling them now that they have this knowledge, they can never go back to Earth as it would void their contract that the Anunnaki and the humans made to protect Earth from the Kreegan. Returning to Earth would also send it into unnatural growth in technology and space travel. This is something that humanity as a whole isn't ready for. So the agreement Between the Anunnaki and the New civilization of space humans formed the Covenant, the combination of the different societies of Earth at the time to learn and train to protect Earth. These Humans then called themselves the Covenant.     The Covenant would break this arrangement with the Anunnaki and return to Earth to fight against the Kreegan. They would prove that such a threat was confirmed to Earth's humans and on its way. After this, evidence was presented to the leaders of the world. The Earth finally joined in unity to combat a common foe. The Covenant is those historic civilizations who met with the Anunnaki and now control the information presented to the rest of the world and are in charge of the military forces that will spearhead their will.   Later, the invasion of Earth happened, and humanity barely survived. However, Earth won a few battles, which left bits of technological advancements on the battlefield that were later reversed-engineered to advance our technology to keep a fighting chance.   Earth helps support the Covenant with food supplies and other contributions for their protection. But, unfortunately, with new leadership within the Covenant, this becomes more like extortion than support.   These leaders left Earth and now call space their home. They will take up the fight head-on and win at any cost. This includes genetic enhancements and unethical methods of improving soldier performance.


Loyalty to Humanity and their superiors are a must. There are no shortcuts. Take responsibility and do your Duty. Respect Selfless Service Honor integrity Personal Courage The mission always comes first.

Public Agenda

To protect Humanity from any Alien race deemed hostile.


Over 2 million Soldiers   Three fleets which total around 200 spaceships with more in construction.   Two space stations for pertinent residences and high-ranking officers.   Six major land bases on Earth, one on each inhabited continent. One Secret Base in the Ice lands of Earth's southern pole land mass to help new soldiers deal with the coldness of space.   Several Top-Secret facilities on Kepler III.


In 730 CE, the ancient societies were called together by the Anunnaki to be Humanity's last hope in a galactic war. For the greater good of Earth, these civilizations took to the stars with the Annunaki to learn new technology and advance together as one civilization. They called themselves the Covenant after the name of the deal they made with the Anunnaki.


the forces are broken up in several different categories.   Navel units are large ships that have large amount of crew members to make the ship go. These ships carry people, large land-based machines, and even other ships.   The Air force is used for small ships usually no more than a 8-person crew and these ships are everything from fighter ships to transport ships.   The Army these are land-based units and foot soldiers.


There is a mixed religion left over from previous cultures from time spent on Earth.


The Covenant is the sole source of security from any hostile threat in space towards earth.

For Earths Survival.

Founding Date
1900 BCE
Alliance, Military
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Gift economy
Major Imports
All Supporting goods to sustain life in space are given by the leaders of the Earth to maintain its safety.
Legislative Body
The 100 Counsel members are the judges, the law, and executioners of this confederation.
Judicial Body
High ranking officers deemed by the 100.
Executive Body
All Laws and disciplinary actions are carried out internally though the Covenants own law enforcement.
Related Professions
Notable Members
Related Myths


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