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Ith (ee-th)



ability score increase: +2 constitution and +1 charisma
age: none have been observed to live a full life time
alignment: usually on the neutral or evil side
Size: Medium
speed: 35ft
Languages: Common, Necro
race features:
proficiency in survival   you are immune disease brought on by food or plague   you are resistant to necrotic but vulnerable to radiant   you have a natural attack in your bite attack it deals 1d6+strength magical piercing damage.   you know common and necro   once per life time. you may eat a undead creature to gain some of its power.   examples of this   zombie. you gain +1 max hp per level   skeleton. you gain immunity to the poison condition and advantage on all saves vs exhaustion.   otherwise discretion goes to the dm

Basic Information


the ith have 202 bones, and roughly 624 muscles, they are bipedal but have often been seen functioning as quadrapedal. the ith are mostly elven eared and have mouths and jaw that reaches up to their ears. The ith have anywhere from 90-120 teeth mostly all of them are canine as they are used to tear through flesh. the iths seliva proves to have the special fuction of forcing materialisation of specters allowing the ith to devour them.

Genetics and Reproduction


Ecology and Habitats

the ith only exist on The Grey Isles  the few escapies are treated as out cast for their abnormal anatomy.

Dietary Needs and Habits

the ith can eat mostly anything including specters


the ith are often quite aggresives and cunning. they have been observed to tame few lesser spirits to do scouting for them as they are harder to detect.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

the ith are often more easily able to detect ghosts.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

there are no set naming conditions as the ith children often arent name because of how few make it past 5 years old

Beauty Ideals



the ith are a race that appeared a few hundred years after (that one necromancer that we should name) was trapped on the grey isles. theory is that its off spring of the people used as bait.

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