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Nymphs gain +2 charisma and +1 intelligence.
Nymphs have a size of medium
Nymphs aren't usually aligned with good nor evil, but they almost always lean towards chaotic
Nymphs have a speed of 30
Ageless apparant. Nymphs ages don't work like most mortal creatures, upon finishing a long rest, a nymph can change her appearance to any age that she has passed.
Darkvision: Nymphs can see in dim light as though it was bright light, and dark light as though it was dim light within 60 ft.
Fey ancestry: Nymphs cannot be magically put to sleep
Starry eyes: Nymphs have proficiency in performance and persuasion
Nymphs mind: Nymphs cannot be charmed
Unearthly grace: While not wearing armor, your armor is equal to 10+your charisma modifier or 8+your dexterity modifier + your charisma modifier (Whichever is higher)
Language: Nymphs speak, read and write common and sylvan

Basic Information


206 bones and roughly 600 muscles. Nymphs can only be of the female gender. 

Genetics and Reproduction

Nymphs do not reproduce using conventional means. The only way for them to gain offspring, is to have a magic user help them make one. That being said, nymphs are very easy to grant offspring to in this manner. They are magiced into existence as eggs, that then take 6 months to hatch, where a baby nymph is produced.

Growth Rate & Stages

Nymphs are hatched as eggs. When they hatch, a baby is born, it matures twice as fast as normal humans, but can live to be about 500 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Nymphs are often founds in woods, especially in the fey wild. They are rarely seen at all, and even rarer outside these areas.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Nymphs don't need to eat food, thoug they do need to drink water, or somehow stay hydrated.
The more unusual form of gaining sustenance is this: Nymphs need to attain sexual acts of at least one creature a week to stay alive, if they do not, they will slowly die, as any human without food would.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Nymphs don't do well in groups, they are never seen in groups, not even in a pair. They have a natural hate of their own kind, due to a very competitive nature.

Facial characteristics

Nymphs are considered to be some of the post beutiful people in existence, but their facuial features may change, depending on the individual

Average Intelligence

Nymphs are largely considered tricky and smart, as they need to be, to remain hidden, while they feed.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Nymphs have the same senses as any humanoid does, but it can also see in the dark, out to a range of 60 ft.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

They just are...

Relationship Ideals

Nymphs very rarely commit to lasting relationsships, but rarely, it does happen.

Common Dress Code

Anything, so long as it is attractive to herself, or her target.

Common Myths and Legends

It is legended, that one cannot sleep with a nymph too many times, as the ones they have sex with, tend to wind up dead suddenly.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Most races are seen as lesser people, to be used to achive their own goals.
Average Height
Roughly 5,5 ft
Average Weight
60-90 lbs
Average Physique
Every nymph is a slim, slightly musculair female, who cannot gain visible weight. Other traits may vary, but these core traits cannot.
Geographic Distribution

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