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Basic Information


There are 208 bones in a satyr body, and roughly 600 muscles. Additionally, they have 2 horns, that can be shaped in a number of different ways.

Genetics and Reproduction

Satyrs reproduce using sexual intercourse.

Growth Rate & Stages

Satyrs age and mature at the same rate as humans, they live around as long too. When a satur reaces puberty, samll horns will start to grow from it's head

Ecology and Habitats

Satyrs are usually found in the feywild, but can be spotted elswhere on occasion.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Satyrs as a race are largely vegetarian. Eating meat is largely frowned upon, but not condemned.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Satyrs tend to live in smaller tribes, where they have a chieftain and elders. Sometimes the chieftain is replaced by a council of elders.
Other than these positions, saturs largely just have average jobs in their smaller village.

Facial characteristics

Satyrs develop horns during puberty, they can grow to become different shapes and sizes, depended on the satyr.

Average Intelligence

Satyrs have largely average intelligence, but are one of the most charismatic races on average.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A satyr posseses no significant senses, over other humanoid.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Satyrs must wash their fur regulairly, and have their hoofs done aswell.

Relationship Ideals

Satyrs party a lot, and at most of those parties, nothing is off limits, as everyone is simply out for fun. However, when a satyr settles down with a mate, they tend to not share themselves with anybody but their mate

Common Dress Code

Satyrs tend to not wear a lot of clothes. they wear them, put simply, they usually don't wear a lot more than simply covers of binders.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Life is a party, that is meant to be lived. But one must also know when to settle down.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Large festivities that can drag on for days are very common within the satyr tribes.

Common Taboos

Satyrs aren't big fans of vry formal gatherings, they feel to restrained, both physically, and mentally, as it doesnøt have the same spirit or dress code, as their usual parties.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Most humanoids can be partied with, they are a joy
Average Height
5-6 ft
Average Weight
Average Physique
Satyrs range from just under 5 feet to about 6 feet in height, with generally slender builds. Some forms of horns may add height in this matter.
Satyrs take the upper form of an elf, and the bottom form of the back-half of a goat, sewering just under the stomach.
Geographic Distribution

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