
Magic Item Creation Feats Alterations

Three pairs of crafting feats have been grouped into packages:
Scribe Scroll and Brew Potion are the same feat (those that get scrolls as a class feature also gets Brew Potion).
Craft Wondrous Item can be taken at CL3, and when you reach CL5 you get Craft Magic Arms and Armor for free. (This also works in reverse, but you must be Caster Level 5 or higher to get the other.)
Craft Wand can be taken at CL5, and when you reach CL7 you get Forge Ring for free.
Upon taking 2 craft feats (the combined feats count as 1 feat.) you gain the Cooperative Crafting feat.
All other Item Creation Feats, such as Craft Ooze, must be purchased normally.
Investigator and Alchemist always qualify for brew potion as a feat.
The Craft Ooze now has a base rate of 1000gp per day rather than 500gp per day to bring it inline with other crafting feats. Glacial Oozes are also available to craft.

Magic crafting operates mostly as normal. 1000 GP a day, 2000 GP rushed, Valets and cooperative crafting will double it. You don't need the exact spells to make an item unless it's a spell completion item like potions, wands, scrolls and staffs, the craft DC just increases by 5 for any non-crafting feat missed spells and requirements. If you don't have a required crafting feat like always, you can't craft the item.

Poisons and Potions can be batch crafted in the same manner as Scrolls.

Other Magic Item Crafting Alterations

Using demi-planes and Fabricate to speed up crafting is banned.

You cannot create custom magic items or cursed magic items, intentionally or not. These items may be given out as quest 'rewards', however.

You cannot craft items that are more than five caster levels higher than your character level. This is a hard requirement, and cannot be removed by adding +5 to the DC. In light of this, Metamagic Rods that alter a spell's level by +0, +1 or +2 have been reduced to a Caster Level 14 item.

The exact details of a magic item are mutable within reason. Only class abilities, monster abilities, feats or special abilities can conceal a magic item, but you’re allowed to re-flavor one within reason. It will still take up the same item slot.

You cannot reduce the cost of magic items below 20% of their purchase cost. You cannot sell an item to players for less than 60% of its total cost.

When logging Crafting in the Downtime Channel the cost, progress and modified DC of the item being crafted must be logged.

Scrolls are able to be made into batches up to your intelligence mod using magical crafting rules up to your gold limit.

Mundane Item Crafting

Crafting mundane objects uses third-party rules found here.

Alchemy items and poisons are considered very complex and may be made in batches up to your Int mod.

For non-listed special materials modifiers. Under 500 GP = +2, 500-2500 GP = +4, more than 2500 GP = +6.


When posting Crafting in the downtime channel, please follow the following format;
**Character Name:** Your characters name.
**Description:** A brief description of what you're working on and how, and if you are making it for another PC, who you are making it for.
**Skills Used:** Please note your skill check should be listed, including bonuses from any sources as well as penalties. If you are able to take ten and still beat the DC, you may. If you need to roll for the crafting check, please do so in the dice-rolling channel and provide a link to it in your post.
**Time:** Please note how many days you have spent crafting the item, and how many are left until it is completed. As a note, there is a custom rule in place that reduce the maximum time needed to craft to 20 days.

Revised Crafting Skill Unlocks

Craft Skill Unlock changes

5 Ranks: You do not ruin any of your raw materials unless you fail a check by 10 or more.

10 Ranks: When determining your weekly progress, subtract 5 from the DC of the craft check.

15 Ranks: Treat the craft check as one Complexity lower for determining the time unit.

20 Ranks: You can craft any magic items that fall under your category of Craft using the Mundane Craft rules at a DC of CL+20 of the item. The starting complexity of any item made this way is Very Complex.

Articles under Crafting


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