Kal Rank/Title in Parllos | World Anvil
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Kal is the highest title in the Great Karn Empire, and formerly of the Old Karn Empire, given to the soveriegn ruler of the nation.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A Kal of the Great Karn Empire can only be removed from office by death.

Equates to
Length of Term
Current Holders

List of Kals

Note that early records for some Kals of the original empire and their terms lost or may give conflicting information.

First Empire
-400 - ???
??? - -97
Ovkol Konsalvosh
-97 - 5
Vakchon Konvaldav
-2 - 10
Crovass Konvalvosh
10 - 23
Reunified Empire
Vinkon Konsaldav
123 - ???
Fasskal Konvalvosh
??? - ???
Tantan Konvaldav
??? - ???
Tavkon Konsalhazzat
??? - 330


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