Wode Species in Parllos | World Anvil
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The Wode are a humanoid species small primate that that inhabit Wode Isle off the north coast of the Elasayn Basin. They are short in stature, standing an average of 0.3 meters (~1 ft) when fully grown. Their size has led them to be a very cautious people, finding the wider world a too large and dangerous place they keep to their woodland homes on their island.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Wode live in a collective tribal structure. They trade and interact commonly with other tribes on the island, and live under a centralized tribal head, the United Woden Tribe; however, as far as living distrubution, the wode tend to keep to their ancestral tribal boundries.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Woden names are often long strings of words together meant to portray an image, these are delinieated in writing by small ticks between seperate words. This is known as a Wode's longform name and is reserved for family, close loved ones, and formal instances; they also go by a shortform name, normally derived from a word in thier longform name, while in public or informal situation.


The Wode people began as a scattering of five tribes all across the Wode Isle; the Denja of the Ventosh Mountains, the Backt who inhabit the cave systems of the mountains, the Shonoh who are located in the Wode Trees forests high on the slopes of the mountains, the Lapida who live in the trees of the lower river way, and the Winda of the coasts. These tribes warred and fought for power and territory since a time before recorded memory. Blood continued to be spilled until the cataclysm of the Ash Age which devastated all tribes equally, waters were thick with ash, villages and caves buried. the mountain air made unbreathable. The wode people were pushed to the brink of extinction   The tribes were saved by Udagan the Unifier who, during the early days of the Ash Age, convinced the remaining wode to consolidate in a central region of the island to survive the new harsh world. Founding the United Woden Tribe and central city of Wode'val the new collective woden people began to rebuild, and by the end of the Ash Age, as the world came back to life, the wode found themselves thriving through their newfound cooperation.

Capuchin Monkey
60 years
Average Height
0.3 m (1 ft)
Average Weight
4.5 kg (10 lbs)
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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