Llyrian Library Archive
This room is occupied primarily by bookshelves. Each aisle has a sign in Common indicating what kind of books are kept there.
A. Historical Works
These are primarily biographies of magic users - wizards, druids and clerics in particular.
Several books are missing; there’s an incomplete set of The Finest Enquiry of the Wizard: A True Heir - volumes III, VII, and IX are not on the shelf.
B. Divine Reference
Several books are missing, and a cursory investigation of the ones present show large sections are blank.C. Arcane Reference
Several books are missing, and a cursory investigation of the ones present show large sections are blank. There are three separate copies or editions of a book titled On the Properties of Moonlight on these shelves. Several of the missing sections seem to differ between the copies of the book. These books appear to be well-worn as though from significant use.D. Nature Reference
Several books are missing, and a cursory investigation of the ones present show large sections are blank. A copy of Herbalism: A Compendium with a sprig of a plant tucked into it catches your eye. The plant marks a page about wolfsbane (which it clearly is), described as being poisonous and repellent to shapeshifters.E. Research
Several neatly organized scrolls are present here, but they initially appear completely blank. The research scrolls, however, are densely written under moonlight - notes, schematics, recipes, diagrams, and other text in a variety of languages. The research seems to have missing pieces - parts of letters, words, lines of texts, bits of diagrams.