Crimson Nepenthes

Crimson Nepenthes is an undead druidic circle and eco-terrorist organization founded in southern Romaya. The alliance is made of up of 6 female revenants lead by druid-turned-lich Demetria Forestwalker, who was last seen alive leading a camping party into the Lulencia Mountains decades prior. The other campers have not been located to this day. While the official date of its founding is unknown, the group made their public debut in GTS 786. Its actual founding date is estimated to have been some time between GTS 755 and 785.   The circle is responsible for various acts of biological warfare primarily throughout Romaya's southern region. Their methods mainly consist of natural chemical weapons and the spread of viruses and harmful bacteria, though other means of assault are sometimes used. They utilize mindless undead both in direct combat- often in order to avoid going face-to-face and exposing themselves to bodily danger and retaliation- and as a tool to spread fear and pestilence. It is the alliance's belief that civilized society and its trappings have tainted the natural world and will eventually lead to its ruin- therefore they aim to protect and restore it through the apparent total destruction of these instutions and their pillars.



Public Agenda



While the exact date of Crimson Nepenthes's founding is not known, the group went public on 4 Haddock Waning GTS 786. A lone cleric, a member of an independent branch of Vokresh devotees, returned from an investigation into strange necromancy radiating off of an island on Romaya's southeast coast. Shaken, and bearing a handwritten letter, he promptly headed toward Alencia to present it to the Order of the Eternal Ring.   The letter, written by Archdruid Forestwalker, introduced the Crimson Nepenthes and its seven members- Demetria herself, and six undead revenants. What followed was a manifesto detailing the circle's beliefs and goals, which highlighted a sense of disappointment and disgust in the world's population at large. She culminated with a promise that Crimson Nepenthys would take action to stop the perceived corruption and dismantle its kingdoms at all costs- and the acknowledgement that violence would be necessary to do so. She closed the letter with a brief description of the gruesome deaths that befell several clerics and a paladin who had accompanied the expedition's soul survivor, and warned all others to stay away.   After he corraborated what he could of the letter's claims, the Order made the decision to go to Romaya's government. Prepared to rain judgement down on Nepenthes and those who may be inspired and awed by their power, they petitioned for the kingdom's support, but their appeal was swiftly denied. Those who represented the king remained unconvinced of the circle's bold claims of power, and even questioned the validity of the letter itself, familiar with the extreme measures the Order was willing to exact to impose their judgement on anyone they perceived to be their god's opposition. They cited an inability to act in the absence of an assault on the mainland, though many speculate this was only an excuse born of fear that the Order would topple the kingdom and take their place if they weren't kept on a tight leash.   It was 2 years before Crimson Nepenthes launched their first confirmed act of terrorism. Seven cities along the southern part of Romaya's east coast were showered with agonizing acidic rain, injuring many and killing those who were not able to reach shelter in time. The next day, all seven cities woke up to strange messages, however, the method of delivery was not uniform in all seven. In three, they appeared in newspapers, but only one city's local media reported receiving and publishing the message intentionally. In the other two, the papers seemingly changed themselves, words fading away only to be replaced as they were read and where they remained. In two cities, apparent simulacrums spoke to citizens directly, stopping people in the streets and knocking on doors to pass their message along. It was only at dusk that they suddenly collapsed and their true forms were revealed- corpses, disguised and echanted. In one city glowing, incorporeal orbs of light resembling will-o-wisps imparted the knowledge wordlessly as people passed through them, and one city was visited by the Crimson Nepenthes themselves.   In all seven, the message was the same: The Crimson Nepenthes were responsible for the attack, and they wanted all of Romaya to know. Romaya's major cities were a blight upon the natural world, and they were to cease expansion immediately. They were ordered to turn away anyone trying to purchase property or seek refuge in the city's walls. Those who didn't adhere would suffer consequences consequences much worse than a little acidic rain. Finally, that the Crimson Nepenthes were patient, but they were not forgiving.

Cover image: by Kal V, derivative work created with the Canva Content License


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Aug 24, 2024 18:22

Great article you have here! I truly enjoy the read and I'm eager to know more about the eco-terrorist undead druids!

Hoo~ Hoo
Sep 15, 2024 04:23 by Kal Vorpahl

Wow, thank you! I wish I had seen this sooner, but I got so busy. Thanks for reading- I don't know when I'll write more but I'm thrilled that people like it. (: